Monday, April 9, 2012

Cooking: Junior Chefs in the Game

Author: Libbie B. and Donna Watkins, CDM, CFPP]
Publisher: CreateSpace
September 2011
ISBN: 978-146363305
Genre: Cookbook for Kids

COOKING: JUNIOR CHEFS IN THE GAME is a fun new approach to teaching kids how to cook. Written with some sports terms, this is a cookbook that starts with the basics, how to measure, what cooking supplies you will need, how to use them, cooking terms and abbreviations and more. Nutritional guides are included as well.

Then the cookbook has a whole slew of great recipes, ranging from super-easy, I want a meal fast types to slightly more complicated (but not hard).

There are recipes for snack foods or appetizers, mini-meals, beverages, muffins, desserts and much more.

COOKING: JUNIOR CHEFS IN THE GAME is a cookbook especially designed for kids (girls and boys) ages 7 (with help) to adult to teach your kids, grandkids, or even yourself, how to cook. A winner with my team. $12.99 170 pages.

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