Saturday, August 17, 2013

Blessed Every Day: Wisdom Writings for Women

Title: BLESSED EVERY DAY: Wisdom Writings for Women
Author: Barbara Dudley
Publisher: St. Paul Press
December 2011
ISBN:  978-0983832867
Genre: Devotional

BLESSED EVERY DAY identifies the kind of wisdom that is devoped as we travel through valleys and over peaks on this journey called life.

It is meant to be used and reused as a valuable tool in your “success in life tool kit”. Bend it, write in it, cry over it if you must. But set yourself a goal to glean all you can from its pages which are filled with simple stories of every day blessings.

As I was running out the door this morning I looked at my to-be-read-and-reviewed shelf and this book caught my attention. I had several hours to kill waiting on my son, and a fiction book and a devotional fit the bill. I started with the devotional, and read half of it within a short time. The book is a perfect size to fit in your office desk, briefcase, or to keep in your home office for a quick ‘pick-me-up’ type devotion. There is some pages designated for notes, but not a lot, so if you want to write thoughts, you might want to keep a notebook handy.

This is not a deep Bible study requiring hours in the word. This is a easy devotional designed to fill an empty couple minutes so you won’t feel guilty about neglecting devotions. They are short, to the point, and encouraging us women as we go about our busy days.  $10.79. 182 pages. 

1 comment:

Judy said...

Sounds like a great devotional to have on my bookshelf!

Thanks Laura for your review.

Judy B