Thursday, December 12, 2013

The God Puzzle

Book Info and Review

Title: THE GOD PUZZLE: How the Bible Fits Together to Reveal God as Your Greatest Treasure
Author: Valerie Ackermann
Publisher: Higher Life Publishing
October 2013
ISBN:  978-1939183194
Genre: Children’s Bible Study

God is not something to study…He is someone to know.

Parents: Finally, the resource you’ve been looking for to teach your child about God

The God Puzzle is a colorful, easy to use tool to help you communicate to your child the rich truths about God, His ways, His will and His love. The God Puzzle will help you address doctrinal themes of the Christian faith in a kid friendly way, present Bible lessons in an interactive way that will hold the child's attention and deliver quality teaching with no preparation needed. 75% of children leave the church when they leave home. Something isn't working. Sunday School isn't doing it all. Kids need answers, good ones. And they need them from you, the parent. This book enables you to give them simple, clear answers.

Ø      Any parent, knowing little or a lot, can teach their child with no preparation
Ø      Deep theology and themes of the Christian faith presented so a child can interact with and understand
Ø      Deeply Biblical, each lesson points to Christ and a personal relationship to Him
Ø      Can be done at any pace that works with your family
Ø      Each lesson connects the pieces so the child understands their faith

I’ve used THE GOD PUZZLE for Bible classes in my homeschool with my eleven-year-old. We worked about a page or two a day. There are verses to read, questions to answer, even some games (crossword puzzles, etc) for the child to do. The book is designed for kids ages 7 – 12 and would work not only has a home Bible study, but also for churches with children ministries, or in Sunday school classes or even a Christian school.

THE GOD PUZZLE covers a wide array of topics ranging from Who is God to Who is Jesus and lots more, including baptism, spiritual gifts, tithe, missions, and more.

I recommend this book for children in the age range mentioned, and maybe even a bit older.  Great book. I’ve never seen anything else like it. $19.95. 217 pages.


What makes The God Puzzle unique?

- ready made discussion questions for parent to ask their child in each lesson

- can be done at any pace that works with your 
family . . . every night, once a week, 10 minutes here, 30 minutes there . . . it fits into realistic family life

- puts the pieces together for a child to understand God, the Bible, and the Christian faith

- in each lesson the responds to the truth so they understand their relationship to God is personal and life transforming

- any parent, whether they know nothing, or a lot about God can start teaching their child today with no prep

- deep theology put into language a child can understand

- deeply Biblical, each lesson points to Christ

- put in an order that starts with creation, and teaches the Bible as one story that all points to Christ

- child stays engaged by filling in blanks, crosswords, drawing, matching and using their Bibles as they learn

Purchase your copy:

About the Author: Valerie Ackermann has a BA in Theology and has been a full time Children's Ministry Director at Parkwood Community Church in California for over 10 years. She is also a weekly Sunday school teacher, wife, and busy mom of two boys ages 9 and 11. She has hands-on experience as a children's ministry professional, teaching and leading children of all ages. Growing up in a Christian family in the small town of Saskatchewan Canada, she has wonderful memories of knowing God from an early age. She has a passion for kids to know the deep truths of God.

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