Friday, October 10, 2014

Mary (Get to Know)

Title: MARY (Get to Know series)
Author: Nancy Sanders
Publisher: Zonderkidz
July 2014
ISBN:   978-0310744801
Genre: Children’s biography

Chosen by God

Mary was more than the mother of Jesus. She was a hero of the Bible. She said “Yes!” to God. Learn about Mary and her exciting place in history. Discover what it was like to grow up in Israel and be a part of Jesus’ life on earth. Mary—part of the Get to Know serieswill teach you everything you need to know about this young woman whom God used to do great things!

MARY is the second one of these children’s biographies we’re read in this series. I am using them with my homeschooled daughters. The first one we did was Paul and my girls were excited to learn more about him. The book about Mary they knew most of the things in the book, but they were still excited to read about her. The next one they want to do is King David, because he was in the lineage of Christ. There are only four books in the series so far, Paul, Mary, King David, and Jesus, but I’m sure there will be many more.

This is a great series for homeschoolers, for Sunday school teachers, for church libraries, Christian school libraries, etc. A great way to teach children about real life people who were foundations in our faith.  112 pages. $6.99 paperback. Ages 6 – 10.

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