Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Interview with Anita Higman and Giveaway!!!

Answer the question at the end to be entered into the giveaway.  Be sure to include contact information. 

Anita is giving away two Kindle copies as well as a little novel-related gift such as a mini packet of spa goodies. (Because that is what her character Lucy enjoyed!)

1.      What would be your dream vacation?

A Mediterranean cruise that ends in Barcelona. My husband and I were fortunate enough to make that dream come true this year. Tuscany and Barcelona were the best two stops. If you get a chance to see these two places, go for it!

2.      If you could spend an evening with one person who is currently alive, who would it be and why?

Josh Groban because of the way he sings, and Leif Enger for the way he writers.

3.      What three things about you would surprise readers?

First, I love licorice ice cream, which is hard to find. Secondly, I get nervous when it comes time to shake hands during the greeting time at church. I never know what to say! I know, weird, since I’m in the word business. And lastly, my husband and I are building our retirement home—which is a small fairytale house in the woods, complete with its own turret.

4.      What are your hobbies, besides writing and reading?

I love good movies, gardening, and having my gals friends over for brunch.

5.      What advice would you give a beginning writer?

Read a lot, write a lot, and never ever give up.

6.      Tell us about A Question of Destiny—a brief blurb.

Lucy O’Brien is about to be given ten millions dollars and a chance to live a life she never imagined. Will this new found wealth be Lucy’s undoing, or can she rise above the temptations within high society and choose to become a nobler version of herself? And will the solitary Andrew Whitfield—a man who watches over Lucy as she adapts to her new lifestyle—cause her to close the door on her dreams or be the key that opens the rest of Lucy’s destiny?

7.      Tell us about the giveaway you’re offering.

I am offering two Kindle copies of my novel, and I’m also giving away a mini-spa packet of goodies, since this is what my heroine, Lucy, enjoyed.

8.      Where do you like to write?

On my computer in my office at home, but sometimes I get more creative and more accomplished when I’m writing longhand in a café. Sometimes I thrive on the gentle hustle bustle of people around me.

9.      If someone were sitting at your desk right now, what would they see?

A gargantuan mess. But if you allowed yourself not to be frightened off by the clutter, then you would see a photo of my daughter and me at Barnes & Noble with our heads together, smiling. B&N is one of our favorite hangouts. Also, on one of my shelves you’d see a wooden jewelry box that my son made for me in high school. I keep it on display in my office with other family mementoes that mean a great deal to me.

10.   Where can readers find you online?

Please free to drop by my website at or connect with me on my Facebook Reader Page at I would love to hear from you!

Best-selling and award-winning author, Anita Higman, has forty books published. She’s been a Barnes & Noble “Author of the Month” for Houston and has a BA in the combined fields of speech communication, psychology, and art. Anita loves good movies, exotic teas, and brunch with her friends.
Please check out Anita’s latest novel on Amazon, A Question of Destiny. And drop by her website at

To enter the contest:    What is your favorite holiday tradition?  


Lane Hill House said...

Getting together with family. This year all three of our girls are off work at the same time and we are traveling from three states to meet together in a fourth where our oldest daughter's children and grands are. Airport pick up and delivery leaving "early morning" to arrive for schedule. Looking forward to the cousins enjoying themselves swimming, indoor ice rink or bowling; will be good just being together! Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House lanehillhouse[at]centurylinnk[dot]net

Judy said...

A great interview with Anita. I have read a few of her books and have enjoyed them.

My favorite holiday tradition is for Christmas. Since my hubby John and I met and married in our 50's and have grown children, it is just the two of us. So, we go out to eat and then take in a movie. We have done this for 9 years, soon to be 10. Time spent together is priceless!

Judy B

Anonymous said...

Our favorite Christmas tradition is decorating the tree while listening to Christmas carols and baking Christmas cookies.My mother in law gave me a personalized sled tree ornament each year I had a baby . There are 12 ornamnets that are personalized with the childrens names because that is how many children we have. The children really enjoy the tradition of putting these ornaments on the tree and it starts lvely conversations and good fellowship.
Deanne Patterson
Cnnamongirl (at) aol (dot) com

Marilynn Walton said...

The last few years, I have dreamed of going to Hawaii and watching the sunsets on the beach.

Unknown said...

Our annual Christmas Drop In is my favorite. We have time to spend with our church members and lots of good food.

Carol Written

Unknown said...

My favorite Christmas tradition is filling everyone's stocking... finding lots of little items to surprise everyone in the family!

Sonia said...

Our favorite Christmas tradition is 2 fold. We choose an ornament for our family that represents something that happened that year. We also get a new Christmas CD from an artist we like. A yummy tradition is that we all get a Cadbury bar in our stockings! I love that one!

lollipops said...

1. ebook winner:

2. ebook winner: Cnnamongirl (at) aol (dot) com

3. Mini Spa winner:

congratulations to the winners!

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