Monday, April 13, 2015

Love Blooms in Winter

Author: Lori Copeland
Publisher: Harvest House
January 2012
ISBN:  978-0736930192
Genre:  Historical romance

He wasn’t what she expected, but he was everything she hoped for.

A romantic new book from bestselling author Lori Copeland that portrays God's miraculous provision even when none seems possible.

1892--Mae Wilkey's sweet next-door neighbor, Pauline, is suffering from old age and dementia and desperately needs family to come help her. But Pauline can't recall having kin remaining. Mae searches through her desk and finds a name--Tom Curtis, who may just be the answer to their prayers.

Tom can't remember an old aunt named Pauline, but if she thinks he's a long-lost nephew, he very well may be. After two desperate letters from Mae, he decides to pay a visit. An engagement, a runaway train, and a town of quirky, lovable people make for more of an adventure than Tom is expecting. But it is amazing what can bloom in winter when God is in charge of things.

LOVE BLOOMS IN WINTER is a fun book, full of quirky characters that one can’t help but love.  Mae is a total sweetheart. Tom, for being a burly railroad man, is knocked down by a pack of dogs upon his arrival in town—somewhat unbelievable to me, but whatever. It is fiction. Add a couple train derailments, a snow storm, a brain-damaged younger brother, and a whole cast of other quirky characters and you have a quick read for a quiet afternoon.

I enjoyed the read, smiled in a few places, but the whole thing was rather predictable on one hand, and on the other, completely a departure for reality.

4 stars. Available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook. 304 pages.

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