Monday, August 3, 2015

Interview with Kimberly Rose Johnson & GIVEAWAY!!!!

Leave a comment to be entered into a giveaway to win a ebook copy of Island Refuge. Include contact information!

Have you always liked to write?

I don’t know for sure, but I also enjoyed the creative writing assignments in school. When my classmates were still struggling with a story idea, I’d be madly writing. LOL my mind wandered a lot in school.

What does your writing process look like?

This is an interesting question because it changes slightly depending on the situation. But I do have a general process I go through for each book I write. For example my very first traditionally published book came about when my agent asked me to write to market. I choose to target Love Inspired.

I can’t remember my exact thoughts, but I do remember I wanted it to be a Christmas book and there is no better setting for a Christmas book than Leavenworth, Washington. The book turned into a four book series that Heartsong Presents published. J

Once I know my location and if there is a special theme, I come up with my characters by determining his and her occupations, then I build a story around setting, theme i.e. Christmas, Valentines, Summer . . . and finally I come up with a reason to keep my characters apart and give them obstacles to overcome.

The other way may my writing process works is when inspiration strikes. That’s how my Wildflower B&B Romance series came about. I was on a research trip to Leavenworth and I was touring a B&B. An idea for a B&B island romance grew and played out in my mind until I had stop work on my current project and write it. That book is Island Refuge.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Juggling all the different demands on my time without getting stressed has proven to be a challenge, but I’m getting better. There is so much more to writing than actual writing.

Do you read your reviews? Do you respond to them, good or bad? Do you have any advice on how to deal with the bad?

I have only responded to one review and it was because she lived in the town where the book was set and we ended up having a conversation about the town. J

I used to read reviews, but I don’t any longer. I discovered that the glowing reviews made me uncomfortable and insecure. Thought’s like I could never do that again, or this book won’t be good enough ran through my mind. Then one day I spotted a low star review and since I hadn’t had one before I read it. It was interesting to say the least. I didn’t agree with this person’s criticism of the story. I had to remind myself that it was one person’s opinion, and though it was off base, I had to take the good with the bad. But it messed with my head too, just like the good reviews. Now though my publisher sometimes sends me a review she wants me to see, I don’t go there.

I have done a general thank you to my influencers, and posted a general thank you on my Facebook author page and on my publishers Facebook page.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?

Sure Island Dreams is the second book in Wildflower Island B&B Romance series. Here is the back cover blurb.

Piper Hunt arrives on Wildflower Island to develop family property into an upscale resort knowing this may be her last chance to prove her worth to her father. With grandiose ideas, she soon finds herself at odds with adjoining property owner, Chase Grayson. As she begins to appreciate the simplicity of the island, she struggles to maintain balance between her father's wishes, preserving the natural beauty of the island, and her attraction for Chase.

Chase Grayson values the peace and quiet of Wildflower Island. That serenity is threatened when Piper Hunt discloses her plans to develop an upscale resort that not only butts up to his property, but will turn the island into a busy tourist destination. In fighting her plans, he also finds himself fighting his attraction to her. If he doesn't stop her plans for the resort, his life will be altered forever. If he succeeds, it means he will never see her again. Can he live with either choice?

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

I appreciate all of you so much! Thank you for buying and reading my books. I’d love to connect with you on Facebook or Twitter. Also if you don’t want to ever miss a new release please sign up for my newsletter. You can do that on my website. Here are the links:

Kimberly Rose Johnson holds a degree in Behavioral Science from Northwest University. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, and their yellow lab. She writes sweet Christian romance and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers. She enjoys taking long walks with her husband and dog, reading, dark chocolate and time with friends.
You may contact Kimberly via her website at

Buy link:


Karen Sue Hadley said...

I enjoyed this interview! The Christmas series sounds great. Thank You for sharing today!

Kimberly said...

Hi Karen, thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview. :)

Melissa Henderson said...

I recently read Island Refuge and loved it. I am looking forward to reading more books by Kimberly Rose Johnson. :-)

Deana said...

Thanks for sharing today. It's always fun to read about the author who wrote the book. Would love to read this book. Thanks for the chance .

Kimberly said...

Hi, Melissa. I'm glad you loved Island Refuge. :) Thanks!

Kimberly said...

Hi Deana, thanks for stopping in and taking the time to read the post. :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to win.

Julie Arduini said...

Great interview! juliearduini at juliearduini dot com

Carolyn Hill said...

Hi Kimberly,
Your books sound wonderful, perfect for a snuggly Saturday morning. I loved your advice about reviews, too.
Carolyn Hill

Neecykay said...

This book sounds great. I love, love, love to read. I checked out the series and the other two books sound really good too. Thanks for sharing about yourself and your work.
Denise Manges

DanaGirl said...

Love to win a copy to read .Thanks for the offer. Blessings DanaGirl

DanaGirl said...

Love to win a copy .Thanks for the offer.Blessings DanaGirl

Unknown said...

Great interview! I've not yet read any of Kimberly's books, but they sound wonderful. I would love to win a copy of Island Refuge!

Kimberly said...

Thanks Julie and Carolyn. :)

Unknown said...

As an aspiring novelist, lifelong bookworm, and western Washington native, I really enjoyed this post, reading about her process and so on. The description of this novel appeals to me--it sounds like just my type of book. I'd love to read Island Refuge. You can find me at lauramctx @ gmail.

Sovereign said...

I love this interview. Your snippet on the novel also got me. I'd love to read it. My email is Thanks for sharing.

Kimberly said...

Hi, Laura. I'm glad you enjoyed the interview. :) Thanks for commenting.

Kimberly said...

Sovereign, I'm thrilled that the snippet drew you into the story. Thanks for commenting. :)

lollipops said...

Congratulations to Kathleen!