Saturday, July 9, 2016

The Moses Quilt

The Moses Quilt 

Paperback, ebook 

December 11, 2012

by Kathi Macias

  • Series: Quilt (Book 1)
  • Paperback: 240 pages
  • Publisher: New Hope Publishers
  • ISBN-13: 978-1596693586

The Moses Quilt, a contemporary novel that bridges racial and generational divides, gives a clear presentation of the gospel as readers are introduced to a confused and apprehensive Mazie Hartford. Mazie is facing major decisions about the love of her life and her future. Her great-grandmother comes to her rescue when she shows her the Moses quilt. As she learns that each patch represents a story of courage and freedom, Mazie finds the courage and freedom to make the right choices for her life.

Can a quilt about the life of Harriet Tubman help a 20-something girl in modern California overcome a racial barrier?

My thoughts: Kathi Macias attemps to answer that question with this book, THE MOSES QUILT. This is the first book in her Quilt series. I probably won’t seek out the others, based on this one.

Mazie lives with her mother and great grandma, Mimi, in California. Mimi is very old and sleeps a lot and the story is about this quilt based on Harriet Tubman, and whether or not Mazie should marry her boyfriend, Edward, who happens to be another race.

Ms. Macias is willing to tackle hard subjects in her novels. She's written about terrists, post traumatic stress disorder, and other tough topics. I have really loved some of her books, and others left me with a meh… This one, sadly, is one of the latter.

I didn't enjoy this book as much I hoped I would. Mazie's struggles with whether or not to marry Edward didn’t seem realistic. Yes, he’s another race, but she kept going on about it not being a race thing, but other than that, what was it?  That never was really clear. Also, the overall development of the story was slow. Because one of the characters was a very elderly woman, all they seemed to do in the story was eat meals together and sit by the bedside and listen to stories from the past. And when they weren't doing that, they were talking about the story they'd heard.  Sadly, I found the story boring and I probably won’t bother with the others in the series. 

However, those interested in racial issues, and quilts might find the book much more interesting than I did.

3 stars. 

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