Friday, September 23, 2016

Amish Wisdom Harvest Bounty Giveaway!

Happiness is not perfect until it is shared.
Fall is officially here, and Suzanne Woods Fisher and the Amish Wisdom contributors want to celebrate the changing of seasons with a special Harvest Bounty giveaway! Enter the giveaway widget below for the chance to win to a set of 14 books, plus autumn-inspired goodies handpicked by some of the contributors. See below for a list of participating authors and prizes. One entrant will win, and he or she will be announced next Friday, September 30th, on the Amish Wisdom blog.

The Devoted and an Amish potholder set
Signed copy of Leaving Lancaster and folding tote-bag
Winner’s choice of book, a dishtowel, potholders, a prayer journal and an adult coloring book
Honeybee Sisters Cookbook and mini beeswax candle
Signed copy of Snowfall and an Amish-made potholder
The Amish Bride and a fall-themed item
The Longest Road and an Amish-made pot holder from Lancaster county
Signed copy of A Dream of Miracles and a Starbucks giftcard
The Amish Clockmaker, an autumn table runner and fall-themed decorative container
Grace’s Forgiveness and potholders
Mattie’s Pledge and a fruit of the Spirit coffee mug

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*Only U.S. addresses are eligible to win.

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