Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Amish Weddings by Leslie Gould

Amish Weddings 

Neighbors of Lancaster County #3

Paperback, ebook, hardcover

January 3, 2017

by Leslie Gould

  • Paperback: 384 pages
  • Publisher: Bethany House Publishers 
  • ISBN-13: 978-0764216947

Will Love Be Enough to Fix What Tragedy Threatens?  
Gregarious Rose Lehman, who's always the life of the Amish youth singings, is determined to marry the bishop's son, Reuben Byler--until the handsome Army buddy of her future brother-in-law shows up in Lancaster County. In comparison to Trevor, Reuben seems downright boring. Trevor shares Rose's sense of fun and adventure, and her easygoing disposition.

When her sister Lila is injured in a devastating accident, Rose finds herself with more freedom than she's ever experienced in her life. Only Reuben seems to notice, but he never voices his concerns. Part of her relishes the freedom she's found with Trevor, but the other part wishes Reuben would finally express his love and "fight" for her. Have her choices ruined her best chance at love, or is there another path to happiness she just hasn't seen yet?

My thoughts: First, the disclaimer. "I was provided a free copy of this book. All opinions are my own." That done, AMISH WEDDINGS is the third book in Ms. Gould's series, but it easily stands alone. However, if you are participating in the read the series contests, the books are Amish Promises and Amish Sweethearts.

The females in the Lehman family are definitely attracted to the same sort of men. Military, (though what's not to like) and at the same time, strong, silent types of Amish men when the sisters both date the same man. But when an Amish / Englisch relationship goes south with Rose, who is there to pick up the pieces? And when a buggy accident confirms Lila's worst fears, with her fiance stick with her?  

I couldn't really relate to the characters in this book. I guess I'm rather sick of Lila and her husband to be (I think they've been in both prior books). And Reuben seemed rather flat in this book and the prior one. Maybe I shouldn't have requested this book, but I didn't realize that Lila would carry the weight of this story.  And Rose is so flighty, even her family realizes it and ask her to help with fear and trembling.  And who is truly at fault with the buggy accident?  Will Lila's fiance get his way and sue... or will he honor Lila's time-honored way of absorbing the blame and the cost? 

If you like Amish world intermingling with Englisch world then AMISH WEDDINGS is a book you might enjoy. Ms. Gould has certainly done her research on Amish weddings, so they seem more realistic than a lot of Amish authors get them. 

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

So many great books to read and not enough time. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Amish Weddings. I want to read this entire series.