Monday, September 11, 2017

Interview with Lynne Tagawa

Glad to have you with us today, Lynne. Tell us about your book.

A: A Twisted Strand is composed of several plot elements: a divorced couple, estranged because of adultery, and what happens to them; a rogue man-made virus spreading in South Texas, my stomping grounds; and last but not least, an examination of the relationship of the Law of Moses to the gospel. What a mish-mash! But the strands weave together into a comprehensive whole. My hope is that it’s both enjoyable and profitable to read, no matter where a person is in his or her spiritual journey.

Q: Do you create playlists for each book, write to the same music all the time, don’t listen to anything?

A: I wish I could listen to music while I write. But I can’t, and I think it’s because I’m one of those nerdy types. I revel in orchestral music, but I’m also analyzing the composition: what the horns are doing down there, what the strings are doing, and isn’t that a cello? See what I mean?

Q: Where is your favorite place to write?

A: Well, this iMac is anchored right here on my desk, but thankfully, it’s right next to a front window where I can look out at the scenery. There are plenty of live oaks in view, and I think the color green keeps me sane.

Q: Will you complete this opening? “It was a dark and stormy night . . .”

A: It was a dark and stormy night, the kind of night in which strange things happen, and even Viscount Cummerbund felt a chill go up his spine at the creaks and noises of the house. So when he lost his vision, and all went black, it was almost a relief, as if his ultimate premonition had come true after all, and he wouldn’t have to worry about strange portents any longer. He opened his eyes, head aching, to a dim light. But clearly, he wasn’t in England. . . . Well, you asked. I don’t write comedy, but if I did, it would be parody. A Regency guy thrown together with characters from other genres because of an alien, of course.

Q: What book do you admire do you wish you’d written?

A: Well, that’s tough. I can’t imitate anyone. We all have our own gifts. But two of my favorite authors are Douglas Bond and Charles Martin. Douglas Bond writes Christian historical fiction, and he’s inspired me to write my own (The Shenandoah Road, my WIP). Charles Martin’s Water From My Heart is amazing and based on a true story. He leaves you gasping for air—I’m not quite sure how he manages it. His prose can be descriptive at times, almost “purple,” but generally it’s pruned back to a minimum, and you are left with the essence of what he means to say. I cannot write with his style, but I can sense his devotion to his craft, and that is what I seek to emulate.

Q: How do you find the balance of writing time and family time?

A: This is easier for me than for some. My sons are grown, and two of the four are married. So aside from my normal household responsibilities, I merely have to make room for babysitting! Sometimes my husband and I become proactive. When do we get to see the babies?

About me:

Lynne Tagawa is married with four grown sons and three marvelous grandbabies. A biology teacher by trade, she teaches part-time, writes, and edits. She’s written a Texas history curriculum in narrative form, Sam Houston’s Republic, and has just published her debut novel, A Twisted Strand. Lynne lives with her husband in South Texas.

Hopefully my husband will have the paperback “buy button” on my website by the end of the month. There’s also amazon, of course, but I’ll be selling it a bit cheaper.


Marilyn R. said...

Lynne Tagawa is anew author to me; however, A Twisted Strand with different plot elements sounds intriguing. Thank you for the introduction. It's nice to learn more about a new author.

Marie Bast said...

Sounds interesting. Thanks for sharing Lynne and Laura.

Jackie Tessnair said...

Lynne is a new author to me also.This book sounds very interesting.Thanks for sharing Lynne and I am definitely going to be reading your books.