Friday, January 31, 2020

Interview with Maria Henriksen about her new book Not Again

Tell us about the book – can you share the blurb?

Christina De Rosa holds a potentially deadly secret that threatens to get out. As an innocent young teenager, Christina survives a terrifying detailed sexual assault that destroys her self-worth and trust.

In her daily struggle, Christina searches for ways to keep her torment at bay, so she can function as a "normal" teenager. Meanwhile, Christina's spiritual journey leads her down a path causing conflict within, as she's riddled with guilt and shame.

A chance encounter with her longtime, hot crush, Avery Evans, sparks a fire in Christina that she can't extinguish. As the sweet, loving, knight in shining armor he readily portrays, Avery offers the safety and security that Christina craves.

In her quest for internal peace, Christina must make a decision. Will she give her heart, body and soul to the super popular, Avery Evans?

Will Christina's nightmares become all-consuming or will her discoveries lead her to a renewed way of life?

Find out if true love triumphs in this edgy, faith-based young adult page-tuner, set in the 1980s.

*Not Again is NOT your typical Christian coming of age story. Fierce faith doesn't come without a fight. Prepare for heartache, self-harm, traumatic events, real romance, and actual scripture in these pages.


Where do you get your inspiration for your books?

I use actual experiences as a springboard for my creativity in developing a unique and entertaining story line. After recalling how those memories made me feel, I try to evoke similar, perhaps even deeper feelings for the reader to experience. From there, ideas pop in my head and onto the computer screen.

What's your key environment that helps you get to writing? Do you have a writer’s nook, corner, getaway? Where do you do your most productive writing?

I write all over the place. When I started writing my debut novel about a decade ago, I had a desktop computer down in my finished basement. I carved out a nook for myself using a beautiful cherry desk as my anchor. I didn’t write anywhere else because my computer wasn’t portable and I never wrote by hand. Now, I take my laptop all over the house, in my living room, bedroom, basement, and outdoors. I even take it with me on vacation as I am able to get quite a bit of work done down the shore.

 What are you saying in your book(s) that will encourage Christians today?

Not Again offers practical and spiritual ways to reduce stress and help combat the negative affects of traumatic events. One of the messages teaches how to rely on Christ by using scripture like, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phillippians 4:13 KJV). Not only will Not Again encourage Christians, it has the potential to bring about salvation to the unsaved. My greatest gift would be knowing that Not Again had such an impact on someone’s life that they became a believer as a result of reading it. Changing lives and healing hearts one page at a time is the motivation behind my writing.

How do you pick names for your characters?

I tend to pick names that I like for characters that I like, but that’s not a hard and fast rule. For the most part, I choose names that come to mind right away. Then I go back and change most of the names. I have to think hard when referring to characters because so many names have been changed.

How important are reviews to you?

Reviews are important to me, but I haven’t been as proactive in getting reviews as I should be. I heard it takes at least 50 reviews to be recognized in Amazon. At present, I have only 16 reviews and I know more are to come. I don’t want to be known as that author who pesters their readers for reviews. My wish is that more readers would reach out to me. As an extravert, I crave the interaction, so don’t be shy in contacting me. I’m more than happy to get to know my readers better.

Who are some of your favorite authors? What genre is your favorite? What books have you enjoyed lately?

I really don’t have a favorite author. As far as genres go, I enjoy murder mysteries, romantic suspense, young adult, sweet romance and pretty much anything Christian. I also enjoy reading memoirs, biographies and inspirational books. The last book I finished was Knit 2, Purl 2, Kill 2 by Erina Ring. I also enjoy getting to know fellow authors and writing reviews.


    Maria T. Henriksen is a wife to a sweet and doting husband and proud mother to exceptional boy/girl teenage twins. She considers herself fortunate to be working with children as a substitute teacher of all grades and disciplines. In her spare time, Maria reads, writes and runs.

          Giving back to the community has always been a part of Maria’s life as demonstrated by her mother throughout her life. In high school, Maria volunteered at the local town library and raised money for the local hospital. As a single young woman, Maria, along with her mother and aunt, was part of a nonprofit ministry called CityTeam in Chester, Pennsylvania. Although knowing that this was a dangerous area infested with violent crimes, Maria and the other volunteers nonetheless selflessly gave of their time to feed the hungry. Even after hearing gunshots outside of the building, they continued to serve the less fortunate. It was Maria’s hope that someday she could volunteer side-by-side with her children as she did with her mother. That desire came true when her children were in elementary school and they all served together at the local soup kitchen.

Publishing Not Again is another dream that has become realized and was inspired by God. Maria considers her novel to be part of her ministry and she is blessed to have the love and support of her family. In fact, Maria had the distinct pleasure of filming her daughter as featured in Not Again’s book trailer which can be seen on Maria’s website:

As with any ministry, it takes vision and a passion to spread the gospel. Maria would be honored for others to unite with her in her quest to reach teens by sharing Not Again to make the world a better place one reader at a time. Join Maria in changing lives and healing hearts one page at a time.

Links – social media and to buy

You can join the Facebook group called Maria’s Muses: Inspirational, Christian and Close-to-The-Heart Readers to be a part of an interactive, uplifting and caring community.   


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Maria T. Henriksen said...

Laura, you did a beautiful job arranging this interview on your blog. Thank you so much for your hard work in putting it together.


Lori said...

Beautifully done! This is awesome!

Maria said...

Lori, you are a fabulous support!

Lori said...

Maria,you always have my total support dear friend!

Marilyn R. said...

Nice to have a glimpse of behind the book story. Thank you for sharing.