Saturday, August 31, 2024

Welcome to the Libby's Lighthouse Celebration Tour! #giveaway


About the Book

Book: Libby’s Lighthouse

Author: Susan G Mathis

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: July 16, 2024

When a lighthouse keeper’s daughter finds a mysterious sailor with amnesia, the secrets she uncovers may change her life forever.

Elizabeth Montonna, daughter of the Tibbett’s Point Lighthouse keeper, thought she’d love the lighthouse life forever—until her mother, on her deathbed, reveals a long-buried secret. Now Elizabeth’s world has been turned upside down, making her question if she’ll ever truly belong and be loved. But when a dashing young sailor appears on her shore, wounded and disoriented, she finds purpose in helping him recover. Although the man knows nothing about his past or identity, his kindness and character steal a little more of her heart each day. If only she knew his full name.

When Owen awakes on the shore of Lake Ontario with no knowledge of who he is, or where he was headed when his ship wrecked, he has no choice but to accept the hospitality of the lighthouse keeper and his lovely daughter. But as Owen works to repay their kindness, and his relationship with Libby turns into something more, he knows their budding romance can go no further until he uncovers his past.

With each passing day, Owen inches closer to discovering the secrets of his identity, but will the revelations bring him closer to Libby or tear them apart forever?

 Marilyn's thoughts:    This new to me author did not disappoint in this Christian Historical Romance. The research of the working of a lighthouse and the keeper’s job is well woven into the beautiful tale of Elizabeth and Owen. Their unusual meeting with his amnesia and injuries kept the pages turning as their lives were shared with each other and their inner heart desires. Themes of hope, faith, finding peace about their lives, forgiveness and a never failing God made this an endearing read.


I received a complimentary copy of the book from Celebrate Lit Bloggers book tour and the publisher without any obligation to write a positive review. I have expressed my own thoughts.

Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Susan G Mathis is an international award-winning, multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in upstate NY. Susan has been published more than thirty times in full-length novels, novellas, and non-fiction books. She has twelve in her fiction line including, The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy, Christmas Charity, Katelyn’s Choice, Devyn’s Dilemma, Sara’s Surprise, Reagan’s Reward, Colleen’s Confession, Peyton’s Promise, Rachel’s Reunion, Mary’s Moment, A Summer at Thousand Island House and Libby’s Lighthouse, the first in her three-book lighthouse series. Book two, Julia’s Joy, comes out in October, and book three, Emma’s Engagement, releases in January 2025. Her book awards include three Illumination Book Awards, four American Fiction Awards, three Indie Excellence Book Awards, five Literary Titan Book Awards, two Golden Scroll Awards, and a Selah Award.

Susan is also a published author of two premarital books, two children’s picture books, stories in a dozen compilations, and hundreds of published articles. Susan makes her home in Northern Virginia and enjoys traveling around the world but returns each summer to enjoy the Thousand Islands.

More from Susan

A Character Interview with Libby, the heroine in Libby’s Lighthouse.

Good day, Libby! Thank you for taking the time to sit down with me. Could you please share a little about yourself?

Good day to you as well! My real name is Elizabeth Eliza, but I’ve always gone by Libby. I’m twenty years old, born on February 2, 1874. I must say, my journey through life has been quite an interesting one so far.

I hear you’ve been raised as a proper upper-class woman. Could you elaborate on that?

Certainly! My mother was well-educated and came from an upper-class background. She passed on her knowledge to me, teaching me etiquette, manners, and all the skills expected of a lady in society. I’ve learned to sew my own clothes, play the piano, and entertain guests with grace. But I haven’t always been ladylike, and that vexed my mother something fierce.

Your desire for family and a sense of belonging is quite strong. Can you tell me more about that?

Above all else, I long for a sense of family and belonging. Before my mother died, she revealed to me a terrible secret. I’ve kept this knowledge a secret from my father, as I’m unsure of how he would react. That uncertainty, combined with my fear of always being alone, fuels my desire for a family of my own.

How has your faith has been shaken after learning about your true heritage?

The secret has shaken the foundation of what I believed to be true about myself and my identity. It made me question my place in the world and my connection to my family. It’s been a struggle to reconcile this new information with my faith, but I’m working through it, hoping to find a sense of peace and acceptance.

Can you share more about your love for poetry and playing the piano.?

Oh, how I adore poetry and music! Poetry has a way of touching my heart, making me laugh or cry, and connecting me to the deepest emotions. I’ve memorized many beautiful poems over the years, and they bring me great joy to recite and share. As for the piano, it’s as if my fingers dance across the keys, expressing emotions that words alone cannot convey. It’s a form of artistic expression that brings me immense fulfillment.

Thanks for stopping by, Libby. It was great getting to know you!

Blog Stops

Life on Chickadee Lane, August 27

Pens Pages & Pulses, August 27

Inspired by Fiction, August 28

lakesidelivingsite, August 28

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, August 29

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 30

Lighthouse Academy Blog, August 31 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Bizwings Book Blog, September 1

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 2

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, September 2

Stories By Gina, September 3 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, September 3

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 4

Devoted To Hope, September 5

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 6

Holly’s Book Corner, September 6

For Him and My Family, September 7

Cover Lover Book Review, September 8

Pause for Tales, September 8

Connie’s History Classroom, September 9


To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fireline (Chasing Fire: Montana) by Kate Angelo, Susan May Warren, Lisa Phillips



 (Chasing Fire: Montana) 

August 20, 2024

Monday, August 26, 2024

Kindling Christmas in Wishing Bridge by Ruth Logan Herne


Kindling Christmas in Wishing Bridge 

August 13, 2024

He had to come.
And once here, he did whatever needed to be done, including saving the life of a beautiful young woman. He didn't mean to save a life. She was there, the car was coming and he had just enough time (he hoped) to intervene. So he did. But there's a thing about servicemen. An old Chinese saying kind of thing that says if you save someone's life, you bear some responsibility for that person. That's just how it is, and honestly, bearing some responsibility for a beautiful woman wasn't exactly a hardship.

But she was staying.
He was going.
The last place on Earth that Lucas Talbot wanted to hang his hat was in Wishing Bridge. He'd slain old dragons, shelved the bad memories and banished the ghosts of Christmas past but here he was. And here she was... And maybe... just maybe... it was meant to be.

Marilyn's thoughts:  Kindling Christmas in Wishing Bridge is a touching story 
that earns a five star
review! Herne is known for her true to life stories with family, friends, faith
and small town life. Nora’s and Luke’s story is no different with them finding
more than they ever expected in Wishing Bridge.

The complex plot, dimensional characters, themes of hope and the struggles of
the first Christmas gave way to enduring the hardships Luke and Nora had to
face. There was a thread of mystery that added depth to the tale. I loved how
Herne penned this book in the beautiful Wishing Bridge series. Personally, I
would like to see another book with the newcomer character finding healing,
love and new beginnings in this caring small town.

I was gifted a copy of this book. I have expressed my own thoughts.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Are You Jealous Because God Is Generous? By Sharon Musgrove #devotional


Are You Jealous Because God Is Generous?

By Sharon Musgrove


In the 1980s, a tv commercial for Pantene shampoos and conditioners became famous for its line, “Don’t hate me because I am beautiful.” In the ad, supermodel Kelly LeBrock claimed that using Pantene’s hair products turned her hair from being lack luster to strong, shiny, and full. The message of the campaign was that there is no need to be envious of what someone else has when everyone has access to the same thing. 

This advertisement came to mind while I was reading Jesus’ parable of the vineyard workers recorded in Matthew 20. This allegory reveals the generosity and fairness of God, who wants all people to receive the benefit of partnering with Him. 

The story Jesus tells is of a landowner who went out one morning to hire workers for his vineyard, agreeing to pay the standard wage for their day’s work. So, his deed was done, right?  He wanted help with his fields, and he employed laborers. Period. But that’s not how this guy behaved. This employer continued looking at the people in his community. He noticed that many were unfruitful. So, like an ongoing infomercial, all day he added to his staff, as if to communicate I would love you on my team.

Don’t we all want to be chosen? And isn’t it crushing when we’re left standing...passed over by the team captain? But Jesus reveals that God’s kingdom is inclusive, where everyone gets the invitation to be a player. He sees those left behind, returning to bring them in.

The parable continues to the end of the day, when the time comes to settle wages. The boss does something crazy...all laborers hired received the same pay! Of course this made those who were first hired angry. They believed they should receive more for their work than the individuals on-boarded later. 

The anger seems justified, right? That’s how the world works...the more time you put in, the greater the pay off. But we do well to remember that God’s kingdom is not like this world. Our planet excels at hierarchies of wealth, power, and fame, whereas God’s currency is relationships, love, and acts of kindness. 

Here in the story a pivotal question is posed by the landowner.

“Are you jealous because I am generous?” (Matthew 20:15b GNT).

God uses questions like these to give us the opportunity to examine the state of our hearts and love for other people. It is human nature to look out for our own best interests, as the workers hired early do. But God is looking out for the good of all, and as this parable attests, He attends to the needs of the overlooked, disadvantaged, and marginalized.

Jesus concludes the parable saying, “So those who are last will be first, and those who are first will be last.” (Matthew 20:16 GNT).

Here we get to the beauty of God’s kingdom and the reason behind His open-ended invite. This is the part where we all look gorgeous and split ends are no more. 

While many interpret this final scripture to mean that the hierarchy in heaven will be flipped, with the bigger rewards going to those who sacrificed more on earth. But that analysis is not cohesive with the message on works within the whole of this parable. Rather as the Meyer’s NT Commentary on this passage states:

“ the Messiah’s kingdom, the last will be on the same footing as the first, and the first as the last....”

On the same footing! Imagine, living in a community where your input is as valuable as that of the biggest influencer, or your contribution is treasured the same as the wealthiest giver. In this realm, the stay-at-home parent gets the same highlight as the successful entrepreneur. Everyone has, not just great hair, but a life that is strong, shiny and full.

So, when we are jealous of what someone else has going for them, we are not thinking about what God has given us. Remember those in the parable standing idle in the marketplace? It’s as if we have Pantene hair products but are not using them, keeping, not our hair, but our spirits lack luster!

Jesus wants you to know how deeply you are loved, how well you are seen, and how God is redeeming broken systems as well as broken souls. He has already given you the good stuff; you just need to believe in the beauty it produces when you put it to use. There’s no need for jealousy of God’s generosity to others, my friend, believe in your equal footing!

Author Bio:


Sharon has been writing and teaching biblically based curriculum, Bible studies, and devotionals since 2007.    


She has had the unique position of writing curriculum and teaching for two private, Christ-based, residential recovery programs. Both programs primarily served women in the homeless community.


Sharon has traveled multiple times to Kenya, serving on medical teams and teaching in the rural Maasai communities. She’s been privileged to speak in Leadership camps intended on encouraging and empowering the impoverished, underprivileged, and often abused young women.


Within these ministries, Sharon has witnessed the transformative power of loving words spoken to the broken-hearted. Sharing God’s love and witnessing its transformative power has become her passion.


Sharon and her husband, divide their time between Oregon and Hawaii. They have two grown children. 


Currently, Sharon is encouraging others via her inspirational blog, but prefers sharing face to face. Additionally, she is working towards a degree in Ministry. 



Connect with Sharon:





Thursday, August 22, 2024

Shadow of Doubt: (Shadow Lake Survival - Book 5) by Susan Sleeman


Shadow of Doubt: 

(Shadow Lake Survival - Book 5) 

– July 4, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Her Loyal Companion: An Uplifting Inspirational Romance (K-9 Companions, 24) by Heidi Main


Her Loyal Companion: 

An Uplifting Inspirational Romance 

(K-9 Companions, 24) 

August 20, 2024

To train these dogs

They’ll need time, patience…and

Training service dogs is Autumn McCaw’s passion. She won’t let anything jeopardize her business’s chance of success, including her former love Wyatt Nelson. But with a looming deadline to prove herself capable, she has no choice but to hire the one man who hurt her years ago. Relying on the single dad is tough—especially since he has trust issues of his own. But can Autumn and Wyatt overcome their past to save her business…
and open their hearts to love?

From Love Inspired: Uplifting stories of faith, forgiveness and hope.

K-9 Companions

Book 1: 
Their Unbreakable Bond by Deb Kastner
Book 2: 
Finding Her Way Back by Lisa Carter
Book 3: 
The Veteran's Vow by Jill Lynn
Book 4: 
Her Easter Prayer by Lee Tobin McClain
Book 5: 
Earning Her Trust by Brenda Minton
Book 6: 
Guarding His Secret by Jill Kemerer
Book 7: 
An Unlikely Alliance by Toni Shiloh
Book 9: 
A Reason to Stay by Deb Kastner
Book 10: 
The Veteran's Holiday Home by Lee Tobin McClain
Book 11: 
An Alaskan Christmas Promise by Belle Calhoune
Book 12: 
A Steadfast Companion by Myra Johnson
Book 14: 
A Friend to Trust by Lee Tobin McClain
Book 15: 
Her Alaskan Companion by Heidi McCahan
Book 16: 
A Companion for Christmas by Lee Tobin McClain
Book 17: 
Her Christmas Healing by Mindy Obenhaus
Book 18: 
Finding Their Way Back by Jenna Mindel
Book 19: 
Their Inseparable Bond by Jill Weatherholt
Book 20: 
Bonding with the Babies by Deb Kastner
Book 21: 
Her Son's Faithful Companion by Jill Weatherholt
Book 22: 
Training the K-9 Companion by Jill Kemerer
Book 23: 
A Companion for His Son by Lee Tobin McClain
Book 24: 
Her Loyal Companion by Heidi Main
Book 25: 
A K-9 Christmas Reunion by Lisa Carter
Book 26: 
His Christmas Salvation by Lee Tobin McClain
Book 27: 
Guarding Her Christmas Secret by Jill Weatherholt

Marilyn's thoughts:  A touching story of learning to trust, training service dogs, renewed faith and forgiveness. Autumn’s and Wyatt’s traumatic past made it difficult to trust but their determination to train service dogs for individuals gave this tale a delightful plot. Bring in sweet little girl, loving and supporting family members, a beautiful setting in Serenity, TX at the Triple C Ranch and a faithful God made this one fantastic read. Heidi Main is a compassionate creator of heartwarming stories showing God’s ways are higher at all times when trust, faith, forgiveness and letting go is possible for everyone through her characters with struggles and broken dreams.


I received an early copy of this book from the author without any obligation to write a positive review. I have expressed my own thoughts.

Welcome to the Legacy of Hope Celebration Tour! #giveaway

  About the Book Book:  Legacy of Hope Author:  Renae Brumbaugh Green Genre:  Christian Historical Romance Release date:  September 3, 2024 ...