Friday, July 10, 2009

Direction: Discernment for the Decisions of Your Life

Title: DIRECTION: Discernment for the Decisions of Your Life
Author: Cheri Cowell
Publisher: Beacon Hill Press
ISBN: 978-0-8341-2335-9
Genre: Inspirational/Christian living

Sometimes, trying to discern the will of God feels like a guessing game, or as the author put it, like picking between apples and oranges. While both options may sound really good, only one is God’s will, and how are we supposed to choose which one is the right direction to go?

Ms. Cowell maintains that the key to making these decisions is to stop trying to guess God’s will, and to begin focusing on discerning His way.

In DIRECTION, this pastor’s daughter, seminary student, and former youth ministry director presents six questions that we all need to ask ourselves when it comes to decision-making. In addition to exploring these questions, she also includes plenty of examples by others who have used them to find God’s way in the story of their lives.

The questions are:

1. Is this aligned with the character of God?
2. Is there an obstacle or opposition?
3. Is it God-sized?
4. Does it require steps of faith?
5. Is it stretching, growing, and strengthening me?
6. Does it require me to adjust, prune, and realign my life?

In addition to these six questions, there are also two other chapters, plus an informative Introduction and Epilogue, as well as much more information in the Appendix. Discussion guide questions are included at the end of the book. If you are looking for DIRECTION in your life (and we all will be at some point) then don’t miss this book. $14.99. 192 pages.

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