Saturday, July 18, 2009

Live Relationally: Lessons from the Women in Genesis

Title: LIVE RELATIONALLY: Lessons from the Women of Genesis
Authors: Lenya Heitzig and Penny Rose
Publisher: David C. Cook
June 2009
ISBN: 978-1-434767-48-6
Genre: Inspirational/devotional

LIVE RELATIONALLY is a devotional that offers a new approach at the important women in Genesis. Sometimes, in the Bible studies, women are neglected or down-played, so LIVE RELATIONALLY helps to remind readers that women are central to God’s story—and His plan.

Genesis is full of women who experience the things women experience today. Death, marriage, divorce, rape, and family tragedies, making the study of Genesis timely for today’s women.

LIVE RELATIONALLY includes deep questions, insightful comments, and life-application exercises.

Divided into five sections, each devotional in LIVE RELATIONALLY includes:

Lift up (prayer)
Look at (God’s word)
Learn about (new insight)
Live out (application)
Listen to (quotes from other believe)

I highly recommend LIVE RELATIONALLY for your Bible study – either as an individual, or in a small group setting. Only twenty minutes a day, but the lessons are very deep and sure to leave you with a deeper understanding of God’s word, and His message.

Designed in a way that strongly reminds me of a Beth Moore workbook, this is sure to become a favorite of study groups and women. I am going to go back through the copy of my book more intensively and use it in my quiet time with God. $14.99. 288 pages.

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