Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Waiting Place

Author: Eileen Dutton
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
June 2011
ISBN: 978-0-8499-4625-7
Genre: Essays

We all spend time just waiting. We wait in traffic, grocery store lines and carpool circles. We wait to grow up, for true love, and for our children to be born. We even wait to die. But while we work at the business of living, sometime life feels like one long, boring meeting. We just can’t escape the waiting place, so what do we do while we are there?

Eileen Button has written a bunch of well-written, humorous essays that address the waiting place. Filled with adorable stories and antidotes, this book is sure to amuse you and even make you cry at times.

I requested this book from the publisher, as I am often in a waiting place—have been in one for years. Since this is a Christian publisher I expected there to be some mention of how God meets us in the waiting place, especially as the genre is listed as Christian living/spiritual life on the book. The only mention of God in the book is where the author mentions she was punished for using God’s name in vain. That is it. So while this book was an excellent read, it is not at all what it was promoted to be. I’m giving it 4 stars. $15.99. 229 pages.

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