Sunday, November 27, 2011

High Treason and giveaway

leave a comment to win a copy of this book

Author: Samuel Oakes
Publisher: Horizon Books
ISBN 978-0-9787987-5-8
Genre: Futuristic Political Thriller
Reviewed by: Steve Hilton
330 pages
$14.99 US

How should we then live? This is a question (with apologies to Francis Schaeffer) that has been burning in my mind since I started reading HIGH TREASON. Regina Owens is a young, liberal, black, female minister who is not content with leaving well-enough alone. But this book is not about a young, liberal, black, female minister. Enos Yoder is a young Amish man whose world has been completely obliterated by death, mayhem and destruction. Yet this book is not about a young Amish man.

Instead, this book is about how every person who claims the name of Christ is to live in a society where corruption, violence and anarchy are the order of the day. It strikes at the very foundation of one’s faith, and challenges you to ask the really hard questions, such as, “Does God still care?” and “If God does still care, where is He now?” This book will either strengthen your faith, or cause you to question it. And if you are questioning your faith, this book will not leave you alone until you’ve settled the questions, once and for all. I found myself repeating, over and over to myself, as I read this book, “God is holy, because He said He is holy. God is righteous, because He said He is righteous. God is merciful, because He said He is merciful.” I said these things because the just shall live by faith. And the world described in this book will require a lot of faith just to keep on living.

I know this sounds extremely negative. To the contrary. Because I’ve been driven back to my roots, I’ve come to realize, all over again, how deep, and vital, and strong, those roots actually are. And I’m ready to start living, instead of merely existing. If you are ready to be challenged, if you are ready to be transformed, if you are ready to take the next step in your walk with The God Who Is There, then this book is for you. Samuel Oakes has done me a wonderful favor, and I’ll be eternally grateful, and eternally in his debt for having done so.


Marilynn Walton said...

sounds like a very good read!

Barbara Ann said...

This does sound intriguing. I'd love to win a copy, so count me in.


Carmen said...

Sounds like one challenging read. I'm ready for it.

Linda at:
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I would love to win a copy of this book.


MaureenT said...

This does sound very interesting! I know personally I would not go to a church with woman Minister.



Jackie Layton said...

This kinda goes along with the sermon at church this morning.
Please, count me in.

Karen G. said...

Sounds interesting. Would love to win a copy.

Books Are A Blessing said...

This sounds like a very interesting book! I would love to read it!!

karenk said...

thanks for the chance to read this wonderful story :)

kmkuka at yahoo dot com