Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Author: Emily P. Freeman
Publisher: Revell
September 2012
ISBN: 978-0800719838
Genre: Nonfiction/youth/Christian living

This book is for the prom queen, the athlete, the bookworm, and the dreamer. It’s for the good test taker and the strict list maker. It’s for the rule follower, the fear wallflower, the messy, and the misunderstood. For the self-critic, the silent judge, and the girl who feels invisible. For the girl who is tired of trying and the one afraid to fail. These words are for you.

You don’t have to be perfect. But do you trust the One who is?

GRACEFUL (for young women) is a book for all teenaged girls. They all (apparently) suffer from some sort of feeling of not fitting in quite right and hide it behind different personas. Even as an adult, we suffer from insecurity, and the other personas, hiding behind fake smiles, books, lists, and more.

I read this book through in a Sunday afternoon and am going to give my copy to my seventeen year old daughter to read. I know her and what she hides behind, and I think this book might be beneficial to her to know other girls have the same insecurities. This book is must reading for any teen girl or youth leader. Absolutely recommended. $12.99. 168 pages. 

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