Sunday, August 3, 2014

Debt-Proof Living

Author: Mary Hunt
Publisher: Revell Books
August 2014
ISBN: 978-0800721459
Genre: Nonfiction / Money issues

Mortgages, credit card balances, student loans, car loans, and home improvement loans have become a way of life for the majority of us. And debt is putting not only our present at risk as we live paycheck to paycheck, but our futures in jeopardy as shockingly few of us have enough put away for retirement. Personal financial expert Mary Hunt wants readers to embrace the radical but simple truth that they don't need more credit or more stuff--that they can live their lives debt-free.

In her classic book DEBT-PROOF LIVING, Mary reveals the secrets to getting out of debt and staying out of debt for the rest of your life. At no time in history has this liberating approach to a no-debt lifestyle been more desperately needed. Those who have been struggling to pay the bills or feel like they just can't make their finances work without taking on debt need this book. It can change their lives.

Previously published in 1999, DEBT-PROOF LIVING is a classic that all singles and couples need to read in today’s debt-ridden economy. Ms. Hunt is a master at getting out of debt as she managed to pay off her out-standing debt and move on to a much better way of life.

Most of the money-saving tips in this book are really common sense to anyone with any financial knowledge at all. There is nothing new about what the author says and most of her suggestions fall into the basic financial planning category. Most of the same information was also covered by Larry Burkett and the current financial guru, Dave Ramsey in his Financial Peace courses that are so popular right now.

Summary:  Good advice. Common sense. Heard it all before. But if you are in debt and are serious about climbing out, DEBT-PROOF LIVING or any of the above mentioned author’s books will help. Spend less than you make is the key advice. $14.99 print. $10.09 Kindle. 320 pages. 

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