Saturday, August 23, 2014

Streams in the Desert Devotional Bible


L.B. Cowman, ed. by Jim Reimann
ISBN 978-0-310-44184-7
Bibles / New International Version / Devotional
1,508 pages
$34.99 hardcover with jacket
My husband has been enamored with the devotional Streams In The Desert ever since he came to saving faith.  So when I received a copy of the NIV Streams In The Desert Devotional Bible – he couldn't wait to snag it.  With permission, of course.

Zondervan does the usual great job with the NIV text, including textual aids and some cross references at the bottom of the page.  However, this is a devotional Bible, not a true study Bible, so don’t look for a lot of that material.

It’s strength lies in the devotions that are tied to various portions of scripture; 365 of them, to be exact; one for each day of the year.  Drawn from Streams In The Desert, as well as from other authors, the devotions help the reader to “put shoe leather” to the passage under consideration.  My husband was preparing the evening message when this arrived, and he found material that fit perfectly with his message in the very first devotional.  Very cool!

The review copy I received was the hardback copy, with a dust jacket.  The dust jacket was designed to suggest that this was a book that had been on the shelves for many, many years.  As such . . . some might not find it so appealing.  Also, one of the “features” mentioned on the back cover was a ribbon marker.  The copy I received did not have that ribbon marker.

But we're not throwing the book back, by any stretch of the imagination.  As mentioned, he's already “put this book to good use,” as it was intended. 

4 stars for a classic devotional Bible

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