Thursday, July 23, 2015

New Life, New Vision, New Hope

“The Global Leadership Summit centers around a singular idea - that inspired, encouraged, and equipped Christian leaders create thriving local churches that redeem their communities for Christ.”
Gary Schwammlein
President & CEO, Willow Creek Association

New Life. New Vision. New Hope.

Creating Flourishing Churches through Inspired Leadership

The most important mission of any Christian church, ministry or organization is to impact those in their sphere of influence for Christ - to see God’s kingdom life transforming individuals, families and communities for his glory.  Vital to that successful mission is the presence of inspired and effective leadership. According to Schwammlein, a ministry veteran himself, “Leadership is the one gift that allows all of the other gifts to flourish, yet because of their critical role, ministry leaders and their leadership teams are prime targets for burn-out, discouragement and “vision loss”, yielding men and women who are often merely going through the motions of daily service.”

An independent study commissioned by WCA following last year’s Summit, and conducted by Excellence in Giving based in Colorado Springs, quantitatively revealed that The Global Leadership Summit (TGLS) is having a significant impact in revitalizing leaders, clarifying vision, enhancing team communication and improving productivity and quality of work – yielding more effective ministry and enhanced community influence.

With a very reliable 3% margin of error and 99% confidence level, repeat participants reported 4 direct outcomes from attending TGLS.

Church Growth – 35% say that their organization has “grown larger because of leadership skills, vision, or inspiration received from attending the Summit.

Spiritual Revitalization – 1 out of 4 reported a revitalized personal relationship with God.

Community Impact – 54% cited concrete ways they were inspired to help their communities by 1) serving the poor 2) helping youth 3) comforting the hurting 4) education and 5) fighting injustice.

Energized Evangelism - 1 out of 4 reported that the Summit “inspired them to share the gospel in the past two years”. Actual results from those efforts were reported and divided into two categories:
  • Repeat participants who were inspired to share the gospel reported 38 first-time commitments to Christ on average
  • Repeat participants who were primarily church leaders reported 54 first-time commitments to Christ on average.
“The Global Leadership Summit has proven to catalyze the leader within each of us, to make us better leaders, and to unite us around a common vision,” states founder Bill Hybels. “We believe the local church is the hope of the world – when it is working right.  For churches to reach their full redemptive potential, they must be led well. It’s our prayer that the Summit will continue to inspire passionate leaders toward that end.”

August 6-7, 2015

Call 800-570-9812 for details
and registration assistance.

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