Thursday, July 28, 2016

Interview with Jo Huddleston and giveaway!!!

Today, we are blessed to have author Jo Huddleston with us on my blog today. Jo is graciously offering a Kindle eBook copy of Donna’s Detour for a giveaway. 

Jo, what three things are you most thankful for in your life that others might think silly?

Others may not think it’s silly to be most thankful about health, but perhaps they might not place as much importance on it as I do. Back when we were first married and struggling with our finances, we’d roll our eyes when my mother said that having good health was a most important thing. She was healthy until shortly before she passed away at the age of ninety-six. Now that our grown daughter has been diagnosed with cancer, I understand how true my mother’s words were.

I'm a cancer survivor. Your mom's words were true. Praying for your daughter. Someone has given you access to a time machine and you can go back and visit two events in the history of the world, what two events would you experience? Why?

I’ve always been fascinated with flight—birds, airplanes, spaceships. In a time machine I would go back to the day and place where the Wright Brothers took the first flight. I’d love to have witnessed that even though it was a very short flight. Next stop would be to the years Amelia Earhart made headlines and broke flight records. I admire all three of these pioneers in their field.

If you could live in any time, when and where would that be and why?

I think I’d love to be stuck in the 1950s. Then was a more peaceful, wholesome time. Children didn’t lose their innocence prematurely because of crime and dishonesty in the world. Living in America in the 1950s was safer and less stressful.

What is your favorite season of the year? Why?

Fall is my favorite season. We’ve left the heat and humidity behind and not yet forced to drag out our heavy winter coats.

Please tell us five random things we might not know about you.

I love being at the seashore any time of year. I played varsity girls’ basketball in high school. I was named Best Actress in my junior year at college. I’m claustrophobic. I’m petrified in the dark—a couple of lamps burn in my home 24/7.

Do you outline your books or let the story go where it wishes?

I do not outline my books on paper. Before I begin a book, I know the main characters, the setting, and the ending. Then as I write the story of my main characters, they take the story where I’m sometimes surprised, but pleased.

If you were the casting director for the film version of your novel, who would play your lead roles? Taylor and Hudson

A young Elizabeth Taylor and a young Rock Hudson.

Are there any themes in your books that you hope the reader sees? Are there any themes that weren't overt but developed as the story progressed?

The ultimate theme of all my novels is the redeeming story of God’s pursuing love. Additionally, each novel has its own relevant theme—a promise made is a promise kept, integrity, second chance at love, etc.

Tell me about the story of Donna’s Detour.

When Donna Turner and two girlfriends leave Alabama in 1956 and head to California on Route 66, Donna runs out of money. Her girlfriends continue the journey to Los Angeles, leaving Donna in Needles, California where a dream-come-true adventure is about to happen.

She worshipped the ground he walked on when she was fifteen, and now he shows up at the diner where she works. Will he remember her or does he still think of her as her brother's skinny kid sister? Will Donna be confident enough in herself to accept her dream?

Share the first page of Donna’s Detour.

 Chapter 1
Needles, California, June 1956
Donna Turner wiped down the counter for what seemed like the umpteenth time since she’d clocked in at six this morning. She straightened the laminated menu standing in its place beside the napkin holder. When the glass door of the diner pushed open, she turned her weary attention to the new customer that entered.
What she saw took her breath away. Or did the gust of hot, dry desert air the hunky specimen brought in with him have something to do with her difficulty to breathe? After three months in Needles, California, she’d become used to the bone-dry air that slurped the air from your lungs the second you stepped outside. It was definitely the perfect guy she feasted her eyes on that had tripped her heart into overdrive and left her winded.
Her gaze followed him as he walked toward the one empty stool at the curved end of the counter. The familiar swing of his hips snapped her back to reality. Could it be? She had watched him from the bleachers every Friday night back home years ago. Who could forget him in his football uniform? Her junior high school crush on Thomas James Crowley had caused her to measure every date she’d had since then with his perfection.

What’s next after Donna’s Detour?

The book I’m writing now is set in 1952 near the panhandle of Florida on a barrier island. Rose Marie Henley’s body and mind need solitude to recover from abuse at the hands of her fiancé. Her great aunt Clara convinces her to stay at her beach house, vacated by her aunt due to declining health. Aunt Clara arranges for the telephone and utilities to be connected and gives Rose the name and number of the handyman she always used, in case anything needs fixing at the house. Rose hopes he is a crotchety old man and unattractive. She doesn’t want any man in her life again—too much hurt to handle.
Aunt Clara’s handyman is as old and infirm as she is, but he sends his nephew to repair Rose’s hot water heater. Last spring Rose would have been elated to see his over-the-top handsome nephew, Franklin Sutton. Now, the sight of every male between the ages of twenty and forty causes alarm bells to go off in her head and in red neon, the words high risk blink before her eyes. Does Frank have a chance to act on the instant attraction he feels for Rose?

Web site
Blog – Christian authors and their books with weekly giveaway – Inspirational Thoughts

Jo Huddleston is an Amazon Bestselling author of books, articles, and short stories. Novels in her West Virginia Mountains series and her Caney Creek series are sweet Southern historical romances. Her novels are endorsed by Amanda Cabot, Debra Lynn Collins, Cara Lynn James, Sharlene MacLaren, and Ann Tatlock. The redeeming story of God’s pursuing love is the foundation of her novels, and in them you will find inspiration, hope, and gentle stories that are intriguing and entertaining. Jo is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and the Literary Hall of Fame at Lincoln Memorial University (TN).

Jo is offering a Kindle eBook copy of Donna’s Detour for a giveaway. Also, the purchase link for Donna’s Detour is

Website and blog (Read novel first chapters here):
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Inspirational blog:
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Marilyn R. said...

Donna's Detour sounds like a good read. I have enjoyed a couple other books by Jo Huddleston. Thank you for the interview with Jo. It's always nice to learn more about authors.

Anonymous said...

Would love a chance to win this book. Thanks for the chance.

Jo Huddleston said...

Marilyn, good to know you've enjoyed reading a couple other of my books. I appreciate your interest in my stories. When you get a chance to read Donna's Detour, hope you enjoy it as well.

bigreadersite, thanks for your interest in my book and for stopping by to comment.

Marie Bast said...

Hi Jo. I, like you, loved growing up in the 1950's. It was such an innocent period, and movie stars were royalty. Can't wait to read Donna's Detour. Thanks for sharing, and best wishes.

Annie B. Stronge AKA Diane Theiler said...

I think I would enjoy your book. Thanks for the interview. I also have a lamp on 24/7.

Jo Huddleston said...

Marie, good to hear from you. Thanks for commenting and for the best wishes.

Annie, you're welcome. Glad you enjoyed the interview. Good to know you leave a lamp on also!

lollipops said...

congratulations to Marie!