Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Pray, Fast, Vote

Pray, Fast, Vote
Major Christian Broadcasters Say that It’s Not Too Late for America
In an unprecedented partnership, a coalition of Christian television broadcasters is calling Americans to place their trust, and their vote, in God. To deliver their message, In God We Trust, a one-hour special (a 30-minute version is also available) will run on networks across the nation. The message is simple, powerful, and universal, crossing racial, political and socio-economic lines. It is time for God’s people to pray, to fast for wisdom, and then to vote for the candidates of their choice in the upcoming election this fall. Facing the stark reality that over 27 million registered Christian voters did not vote in the 2012 election, these leaders believe that a responsible turn-out of Christian voters this November will pave the way of hope for our nation and a return to the Christian principles on which it was founded.
In God We Trust viewers will be provided the opportunity to sign an online In God We Trust proclamation, pledging to pray, to fast, to vote and to place their trust in Divine Providence. A downloadable e-version of the devotional In God We Trust 21 Day Action Plan will be available to guide participants through 21 days of prayer and fasting for the nation.
This television special is spearheaded by Don Black, president and CEO of Cornerstone Network, along with other ministry broadcasting partners including Pat Robertson, founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Robert Jeffress, senior pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas and Pathway to Victory TV and radio program, Andrew Wommack, founder and president of Andrew Wommack Ministries and host of The Gospel Truth TV program. Also adding their voices are Joyce Meyer, founder and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries and host of Enjoying Everyday Life, Perry Stone, founder and CEO of Perry Stone Ministries-Voice of Evangelism/OCI and host of Manna-Fest TV show, Henry Fernandez, founder of Henry Fernandez Ministries and senior pastor of The Faith Center, and Gordon Robertson, CEO of the Christian Broadcasting Network.
“Most American Christians will agree that we have drifted far from our Judeo-Christian values and face perilous times as a result,” states Black. “We simply believe that, election or not, it is time to take our country back to our roots and to faith in Jehovah God. The upcoming election provides us an opportunity to begin that process.”
The special, hosted by Kristi Watts a former co-host of The 700 Club, will begin airing on Labor Day and continue up to the election. The program will air in various lengths on Cornerstone and other participating networks as well.
America is hurting and needs a miracle. In God We Trust aims to inspire millions of Christian Americans to exercise their authority in electing our next leaders and to petition Almighty God for His Divine mercy to sweep this great nation with a fresh move of His Spirit.

For more information please visit www.InGodWeTrust.tv

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

Interesting information. I voted early due to my schedule on election day. Thankful God knows all that is transpiring in America.