Thursday, October 20, 2016

The 10 Myths of Teen Dating

The 10 Myths of Teen Dating

by Daniel Anderson and Jacquelyn Anderson   

Parenting Girls
David C. Cook

There's no greater moment of panic in a parent's life than when their daughter begins to date. Due to their lack of knowledge about the world their teens face coupled with the scant dating information they received as teens, many parents feel ill-equipped to guide their daughters through the minefield that is teen dating.

And by the same token, teenage girls crave information about dating and relationships. And left to their own devices, many will develop their own assumptions about dating by talking to their friends or watching the latest TV shows and movies. But that will only lead them down a path toward heartbreak.

So how do you engage your daughter in discussions about dating, relationships, and her future happiness? Expert educator Daniel Anderson and his twenty-something daughter, Jacquelyn, help you navigate the biggest dating myths, including: the myth that a boyfriend will make your daughter happy, that she should trust her feelings, or that sex will enhance her relationship.

Combining the latest scientific research with poignant personal stories, as well as proven truths and practical application, The 10 Myths of Teen Datingwill equip you to teach your daughter how to date smart for 
today . . . and tomorrow.

My thoughts: THE 10 MYTHS OF TEEN DATING is a book I wish my parents would've read when I was a teen. I made so many mistakes in dating it isn't even funny.  He "loves" me, but he "loves" her and is dating both of us. Verbally abusive. Controlling. Oh, and the dating cycle, breaking up and getting back together, over and over and over. 

I am having both of my teen daughters read this book with me and we are discussing it. I think this is invaluable information and I will keep it for my tween daughter to read someday.  

Invaluable resource that will be invaluable to mom's, dad's and teens. Well-written and informative, not preachy. A book to read and reread. Very relevant. 

Why you need this book:

Why you need this book.

Advance Praise
"I've written extensively on teenage girls and preparing them for the challenges of sexual integrity. I believe The 10 Myths of Teen Dating is an exceptional work to help prepare your daughter for the complexities of the teen dating years. Dan and Jacquelyn's book will open up conversations for you and your daughter that will help her date with maturity and grace."

---Shannon Ethridge, MA, life/relationship coach, international speaker, and author of twenty-two books, including 
Every Young Woman's Battle

Purchase a copy:

 Meet the Authors

Daniel Anderson is a former college All-American basketball player, an expert educator, and a father of two grown daughters and a son. As a veteran high school teacher in the public school system, Daniel was troubled by how his students approached dating and relationships. He and his daughter, Jacquelyn Anderson---a twenty-something and also a high school teacher---decided to address this need by equipping parents with The 10 Myths of Teen Dating, their first book together. Daniel and Jacquelyn both make their home in Portland, Oregon.

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