Imagine Zero

In spite of the exponential explosion
of data and unparalleled accessibility to information, there are an estimated
1.5 billion people around the world who still do not have a complete bible in
their own heart language. Of the 7,000+ languages on the planet, only 670 have
a complete translation of Scripture, and over 165 million people still do not
have a single verse of Scripture in their native tongue.
So to "imagine zero people
in need of God's Word" seems an impossibility, but this
mantra of the Seed Company is
edging closer to becoming a reality. Celebrating 25 years of service dedicated
to the translation of Scripture and the transformation of lives around the
globe, Seed Company has launched a new initiative entitled Imagine Zero. With the mobilization and
support of the local church, leaders aim to accelerate the translation of
Scripture and eliminate bible poverty throughout the world within the next
To achieve their objective, the Seed
Company has convened summits in 15 cities around the country thus far this year
and is slated to take the message of Imagine Zero to at least
10 remaining cities beginning in September this fall. In every location,
leaders are anticipating the historical moment when Scripture will be available
to every language group on Earth. During each 3 1Ž2 hour session, pastors and
other local church leaders are introduced to exclusive, Seed
Company-commissioned research from Barna
Group - Translating the Great Commissionand
participate in discussions on how they can better energize their congregations,
better understand the millennial generation, and better work together to make
sure life transformation takes place through Scripture.
"Together, we discuss the
implications of this research for our churches and the Gospel over the next
decade and beyond," states president and CEO of The Seed Company, Samuel
Chiang. "This isn't a conference - this is a summit of pastoral leaders in
the community who are committed to helping others find and follow Jesus."
While attendees must register at
the Imagine
Zerowebsite, each summit is available
free of charge to pastors and other church staff and will be conducted in round
table discussions lasting from 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. A complimentary lunch is also
included. Each summit is hosted and facilitated by author, speaker, and
ministry leader, Mark Matlock. Mark is the founder and president of WisdomWorks
Ministries, a nonprofit dedicated to helping individuals, churches, and
faith-centered organizations leverage biblical wisdom. He has been working with
youth pastors and students for over two decades and has spoken to over one
million teenagers in his lifetime. Mark also currently serves on the Board of
Directors for The American Bible Society.
"Imagine Zero is the channel for
the church to bring the bible to every language within a decade, as well as
increase bible reading in their own congregations. In many ways, this entire
event is a gift to the church," offers Matlock. "It doesn't matter
what size church you are, the insights that will be shared will be applicable
to the specific local context of each congregation. We truly want every church
leader to be able to personally experience Imagine Zero."
Upcoming Imagine Zero Summits:
Washington, D.C.
Jacksonville, FL
Atlanta, GA
Indianapolis, IN
Detroit, MI
Minneapolis, MN
Raleigh, NC
Columbus, OH
Houston, TX
Fort Worth, TX
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