Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Interview with Mary Ball

Today we welcome Mary Ball to my blog. Mary, it's good to have you stop by. Tell us about the book –

                                            Rose Colored Christmas

Young widow Emilee Arnold enjoys her freelance web design work, teaching a youth Sunday school class and everything about Christmas. She’s content, or believes so, until she rescues a pilot from a burning plane and is snowed in with her very own scrooge for the holiday. 

Gabe King specializes in flying corporate groups to various locations. He’s claims to be an easy-going guy until his lifestyle and his heart is challenged by Emilee.

Emilee can’t stop her attraction to Gabe but his dislike for Christmas is the one thing she can’t get past.

Can Emilee help to make her very own Christmas a miracle?         

Are any experiences in Rose Colored Christmas based on personal experiences?
Did you draw upon any stories or movies for inspiration for the novel?

The only experience in Rose Colored Christmas I relate with are Emilee and Jan’s lose of their loved ones, and the steps they take to keep Christmas in their hearts. I don’t recall seeing or reading anything similar. 

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in Rose Colored Christmas?


What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Drawing upon my personal experience of loss, through the Christmas holiday.   

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

Writing, the story reaffirmed to me that God is indeed my strength and guidance.   

Did you have to travel much for research for Rose Colored Christmas?

No. Rose Colored Christmas is part of Small Town Christmas collection published by Forget Me Not Romances, an imprint of Winged Publications. As a small town country gal myself, the setting is something I see every day.

Who was your favorite character in Rose Colored Christmas?

Gabe King, Emilee’s love interest. I enjoyed showing his scrooge side, and the underlying reasons of why he disliked Christmas.     

Was there anything in Rose Colored Christmas that you did not enjoy writing about?

 Yes, the plane crash.

Share your bio and links for social media and to buy:

Mary L. Ball is a multi-published Christian author. She resides in the heart of North Carolina.
When she isn't working on her latest story, she enjoys fishing, reading, and ministering in song with her husband.

Readers can connect with her on her web page, Face Book or Twitter.
Visit Mary’s singing ministry site:

Buy Link for Rose Colored Christmas:

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Book Spotlight: When the Heart Sings by Liz Tolsma

When the Heart Sings (Music of Hope)

Monday, October 29, 2018

Q&A with Lisa Burkhardt Worley

A Father to the Fatherless

A traffic accident. A gunshot wound. A health issue. Abandonment.

There are many causes for fatherlessness in our society and the epidemic is growing. In 2014, almost 24 percent of all children lived in a home without a father; however, the statistic does not include homes where fathers are abusive, workaholics or absent emotionally. Fatherless children and adults need hope.

In an attempt to answer this need, Pearls of Promise Ministries is pleased to announce the release of The Only Father I Ever Knew: How a Fatherless Child Finally Found True Love, by Lisa Burkhardt Worley. Sharing her personal story, Lisa seeks to help the fatherless understand that God is their loving Father even when their own father has not been an active part of their life. 

Each chapter in The Only Father I Ever Knew represents attributes of God that are “father-like.” Using a backdrop of Worley’s fatherless life, as well as the lives of sixteen other fatherless men and women she interviewed, her goal is to show that only God can fill the void left in a heart by an absentee earthly father.

Worley’s father, a Jewish physician, suffered a deadly heart attack at age thirty-nine while playing polo. She was born two months later. For most of her childhood, Lisa lived with a mentally ill mother who never recovered from the premature death of her spouse while Lisa attempted to fill the void left by her deceased father. She searched for love in all the wrong places and made a numerous mistakes until she discovered the unfailing love of her heavenly Father. “This book has been on my heart for many years,” said Burkhardt-Worley. “However, it took many years of a relationship with my heavenly Father before I could adequately describe his attributes.” 

Lisa Burkhardt Worley is the founder of Pearls of Promise Ministries; helping women overcome past and current dysfunction. A former national sports reporter and anchor, award-winning author, co-author and co-editor of eight books, including the four-time award winning If I Only Had…Wrapping Yourself in God’s Truth During Storms of Insecurity, and The Most Powerful P: A Child’s Introduction to the Power of Prayer. Working with Roaring Lambs Ministries, she co-edited and compiled Stories of Roaring Faith, Volumes 1, 2 and 3. Lisa earned a Masters of Theological Studies Degree in 2008, graduating Magna Cum Laude from Perkins School of Theology. She is also the co-host of international radio show, A Time to Dream.

           Q&A with Lisa Burkhardt Worley

1. One of the reasons you wrote this book is because you were fatherless all of your childhood. Can you tell us what happened in your own life?

Lisa- My father was a well-liked physician in San Antonio, Texas who was a competitive polo player on weekends. Every Sunday afternoon, with my mother and other family members watching, my dad would compete in polo matches against teams from all over the country and Mexico. One Sunday afternoon in early December, my dad suffered a massive heart attack, and died before he reached the hospital. He was only 39 years old. I was born two months later. My mother never recovered from that day, struggling with addictions and mental illness the rest of her life. My half-sister went through years of counseling to overcome what happened, and moved to Pennsylvania to live with her mother. Years later, when I worked in New York City, and lived a few hours from my half-sister, I reached out to her and tried to have a relationship with her but she refused. In my life, I ended up being an over achiever, and learned about life through trial and error because I had very little instruction at home. I made many of the same mistakes fatherless girls make when they are looking for a father figure to love them.

2. Surprisingly, you entered a male-dominated career, television sports, before it was common for women sportscasters to be on television. You had some success in this field, making it all the way to national television on HBO Sports, and for a short time, ESPN. Without a dad in your life, how was it that you chose this career?

I always had a natural interest in sports even though I really didn¹t have a male figure in the household most of my life. (My grandfather was a competitive amateur tennis player). I watched NFL football every Sunday afternoon. I was a loyal Dallas Cowboys fan. I also faithfully tuned into televised NBA basketball games and favored the New York Knicks. Little did I know that I would one day be doing televised sports updates on the Knicks broadcasts when working for the Madison Square Garden Network as an anchor. I also loved professional golf and later ended up playing recreational golf myself. In addition, I was overall very athletic. I started the girls basketball and volleyball teams at our high school and played small college basketball at Texas Lutheran College (Now Texas Lutheran University (TLU)). When national sports commentator Verne Lundquist, a TLU grad, came back to Texas Lutheran and spoke to our Homecoming Sports Breakfast, he talked about his career. A light went off in my mind, and it was at that point I decided to pursue sportscasting, even though there were only a few women, mostly former beauty queens, active in it at the time. I went on to graduate school at the University of North Texas because they had an excellent Radio, Television, Film program, then landed a paid internship at WFAA-TV where Verne Lundquist worked at the time. I was later offered a job at the ABC affiliate in Chattanooga, Tennessee, then worked in my home market, San Antonio, two different times, with my national work and job at the Madison Square Garden Network in between those two stints in San Antonio.

    3. Did you have a turning point in your life where God, the Father became real to you?

Yes, I was at the top of my television career, working for HBO Sports¹ ³Inside the NFL² and the Madison Square Garden Network when I lost both jobs in the same week. I blamed God for this, even though I had not had a close relationship with him for 17 years. We ended up moving out of the New York City area to Connecticut where we joined a church. I participated in a Bible study there, and began praying and reading God¹s word for the first time in a while. It was during this time of seeking God, that I felt like he said, ³I gave you a national platform to glorify me and you didn¹t do it. I had to take it away from you to get your attention.² I was very repentant. It was at this point, with tears flowing, that I said, ³I am so sorry. If you give me another opportunity to be a sportscaster, not only will I give you my career, I will give you my life.² The next week, I received a call from ESPN, asking if I would do some freelance reporting for them. I ended up staying with ESPN for about six months, when I received a job offer to return to my old job at the CBS affiliate in San Antonio. I had a different mindset now. I prayed about decisions, and felt like I was supposed to go home. As it turned out, my going home was not about covering the Dallas Cowboys¹ run to the Super Bowl, nor was it about reporting from the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer, Norway. My return to San Antonio was about honoring and forgiving my mother, who by that time lived in a group home. My relationship with my heavenly Father also began to grow for the first time, as I continued in Bible study and began serving, first as a Sunday school teacher, and later in evangelical ministries where I spoke and led small groups. Eventually, I answered a call to attend seminary and transitioned into full-time ministry.

4.  About one in four homes are without a father in the household. How does that affect children?

According to The National Center for Fathering, ³Children from fatherless homes are more likely to be poor, become involved in drug abuse, drop out of school and suffer from health and emotional problems. They are also more likely to be sexually active, compared to adolescents living with a father in the home. For little girls, a father is the one that encourages a girl to be confident and to have strong self-esteem. Without a dad in the household, girls will likely be more insecure.

As a little girl growing up fatherless, my mother and I were extremely poor. My father did not prepare for his untimely death and there was only life insurance on the house, so it was paid off, but there was no other money. Mother didn¹t feel she could work so we lived off Social Security checks. We lived in a big house that was thread bare, and because of my mother¹s early drinking and Molotov cocktail of three different anti-depressants, she was emotionally absent when I was a little girl, so I definitely lacked confidence, and my self esteem was almost non-existent. When I entered college, I was looking for love and because I had no teaching on the birds and the bees, I became very sexually active and found myself pregnant in my junior year of college. I ended up aborting that baby because of something derogatory that the father said about me. I still regret that decision. 

4. In The Only Father I Ever Knew, you clearly want the readers to understand about the various attributes of God as Father. What are some of the attributes you included?

I first want to emphasize that these are all attributes that I have experienced over the years. I include chapters about our heavenly Father¹s love, his provision, and his plan‹altogether 24 chapters describing our Father in Heaven. However, one of my favorite stories is in the chapter, ³My Father¹s Discipline.²As I told you, I didn¹t have much supervision at home, so my heavenly Father had to step in occasionally to keep me from going down the wrong path. In high school, my friends and I decided to go swimming at our community pool, after hours. We had heard that a lot of kids had done it, so around midnight, we climbed the wall of the pool to take a late night swim. We were wearing bathing suits under our clothes, but before we could shed our outer clothes, we heard someone shout, ³Freeze!² As it turned out, the police, led by well-known area policeman, Officer Roger Terry, were staking out the pool because there had been vandals there the night before. There was no mercy. The local police took us into the jail, and scared the wits out of us, threatening to lock us up overnight. I cried the entire time. They eventually called our parents to pick us up. I¹d never seen such stern faces in all my life. Even my mom, who struggled emotionally, was stone-faced.

This story has an interesting twist. Years later, I was sponsoring a couple of confirmation students at my church. There were two services that I had to attend with them and sat with the parents of one confirmand at one service, the other parents at the second service.  The second service was on a Sunday morning and the mother of my confirmand, Caitlyn Terry, introduced me to Caitlyn¹s dad, Roger Terry. I realized it was the same Officer Terry who had arrested me in high school. During this unlikely scene that only God could write, I realized that my heavenly Father had turned my life around 180 degrees, so much so that I was now praying for the child of the officer who arrested me in high school. As I sat in the pew, singing one of my favorite hymns, Here I Am Lord, Officer Terry saw me weep again.

6. InThe Only Father I Ever Knew, you showcase sixteen other stories of fatherless people besides your own. Why did you include these other testimonies and can you share about a couple of the people you included?

I thought it was important to share other people¹s stories of knowing God as Father, because I don¹t want the readers to hear it only from me. As I was preparing to write this book, God placed numerous fatherless people in front of me, and most agreed to share their testimonies because they had experienced the love of their heavenly Father in different ways. I featured one of my friends, Dr. Lynnette Simm, in the chapter about forgiveness. She had a stepfather who sexually abused her for five years, starting when she was nine years old. His secret life was eventually found out, and he was arrested and sent to prison. It was in prison that Lynnette¹s stepdad became a Christian. He came out of jail, repentant and a changed man. He sought counseling. Lynnette also went through counseling and now Lynnette and her stepdad have a loving, normal relationship.

I featured another friend, Mary Ann, in the Strength chapter. Mary Ann¹s father committed suicide when she was only three. In the little town where they lived, everyone knew the story about Mary Ann¹s dad and never asked Mary Ann or her sisters and brothers to participate in sports or any activities because they knew they could not afford the uniforms. Mary Ann¹s mother protected her children from the truth about their dad until Mary Ann found out about her dad¹s suicide from some inconsiderate kids on the playground. Mary Ann¹s mom decided she¹d had enough, moved the family, even though she had no job, to a larger city. The volleyball coach at Mary Ann¹s high school noticed that Mary Ann had athletic ability and so asked her to join the team. She was a standout player, then received a scholarship to play volleyball in college. That school went on to win three straight national championships. As Mary Ann looks back, she realizes that her heavenly Father gave her, and her mother, the strength to carry on.

7. There may be someone listening who had a bad father relationship. Maybe their father was abusive, or he abandoned the family. Because of that, they may have trouble with accepting God as Father. What can you tell them so, like you, they will embrace God as the Father they never had?

We cannot equate God to humans. Human love fails, but the Bible says in Psalm 32:10 that the Lord¹s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in him. 
Psalm 33:5 says, ³The earth is full of his unfailing love.² He created us with a void in our heart that we either fill with unrighteous or material things or we fill our hearts with His love. I can tell you from experience, it¹s only the love of God that satisfies. Out of his love, we have free will to chose Him and his Son, Jesus, or to go a different direction. Our choice has consequences, but because of His love for us, we have a choice. If we choose wisely, we spend eternity with him in Heaven.

After spending five years in seminary, the one thing I realized is that my God, prior to entering seminary was not big enough. Our heavenly Father is greater than our minds can comprehend. Creation as well as the intricacy of our bodies, points to an intelligent designer, one who designed us with a capacity to love other created beings and love God.  I have a chapter in The Only Father I Ever Knew about creation. Out of God¹s love for us, he created this beautiful world for us to live in and admire. Did you know that there are almost 400,000 different plants in the world? There are about 8.7 species on earth, 6.5 million on land, and 2.2 million in the ocean. Human beings are an intricate work of our brilliant designer God. Our brain contains 86 billion nerve cells, joined by one hundred trillion connections. This is more than the number of stars in the Milky Way. Creation is enough for me to believe that God exists and that all of creation did not come together in a big bang, or from a single cell that mutated. So if God exists, and in His Word, he says that he loves us, and wants to have a relationship with us, I believe that as well. 

In Ephesians 3 Paul understands this amazing love that the Lord has for us and he prays for the Ephesians and for us that we, ³being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord¹s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge‹ that we may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.²

God¹s love for us cannot be compared to human love. It is unfailing. He knows the number of hairs on our head. He is in constant pursuit of us. He just wants us to fully commit to Him so that he can begin to lavish us with His love.

The Only Father I Ever Knew: How a Fatherless Child Finally Found True Love
By Lisa Worley

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Bless Your Husband: Creative Ways to Encourage and Love Your Man

Bless Your Husband: Creative Ways to Encourage and Love Your Man


Sometimes, choosing to love your husband is hard. Whether you've been married one year or 31 years, chances are he's done things that have frustrated you, angered you, hurt you, or flabbergasted you. But after arguing over how to load the dishwasher yet again, you might be wondering how you can show him that you really do love him.

In as little as 15 minutes a day, you can do something meaningful for your husband and grow in your faith. From washing his car to writing a positive post about him on social media to watching his favorite movie with him, these pages are full of creative, simple, and interactive ideas on how to bless your husband. You'll discover daily Scripture verses, inspirational readings, and journaling prompts to encourage you as well!

My thoughts:  BLESS YOUR HUSBAND is a book for married couples, no matter how many years you've been married, that teaches you how to pray for, encourage, and bless your husband. There are plenty of creative ideas in there as well as journaling ideas so you can record your thoughts, answers to the questions, and write the verse of the week out on as you mediate on it. 

I think this would be good for a wife that likes to journal, or maybe a small group on young wives who want to learn how to encourage their spouse, or even a gift for a friend (or yourself) when you want to be supportive, encouraging, and a blessing to your spouse and don't know how. 

Some of the ideas are rather off the wall (to me) but they may spark something in you and you might know your husband would like it.  Husbands need encouragement as much as (or maybe more than) we do, so grab a copy of BLESS YOUR HUSBAND and show your man how much he's loved.  And maybe learn to love him more. 

I was given a copy free. All opinions are my own. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Interview with Linda Hoover

Today we welcome Linda Hoover to my blog. Glad to have you stop by, Linda. Tell us about the book – a brief blurb:

Justin Ramsay wants to fulfill his grandmother’s death bed wish. Elena Bishop wants to raise enough money to save her home. Only one can accomplish their goal. Justin and Elena can’t deny their attraction to each other, but can there be a happy ending for either of them if they insist on having their own way, rather than follow God’s plan?

Are any experiences in Lighter Than Air based on personal experiences? Did you draw upon any stories or movies for inspiration for the novel?

I was in an airport on a layover when I came up with the balloon idea. I knew I wanted the story to be set in 1900, which would be too early for a plane to take them very far, so a balloon was perfect. The storyline is all my imagination. I didn’t intentionally use a book or movie to get inspiration. I sat down at the keyboard and words came pouring out.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in Lighter Than Air?

No, I think it’s a fun story. I’m satisfied with the outcome.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

The hardest part was finding time to get in front of my computer. I work fulltime and have family responsibilities at home. I’m amazed by authors with small children who have several books out there.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I researched Brighton and the area I wanted my characters to live. And of course, the time period for clothes, hair styles, furniture and so on. I learned more than I could put in the book. I love to research. I can end up spending time I don’t have. 😊 Some is frustrating, though. How long does it take to get from New York to London?Google kept wanting to give me information about immigration.How long would it take a steamer to go from Ireland to England, or a train to travel from London to Brighton and anything I could find on a gas balloon. Those facts were a little trickier to work out.

Did you have to travel much for research for Lighter Than Air?

All my travel was virtual through Google or books. I would have loved to see the area first hand.

Who was your favorite character in Lighter Than Air?

I think my favorite would have to be Justin. He knew what he wanted and needed to do, but Elena wasn’t cooperating in any way. He was confused and frustrated, trying to figure her out. Things kept going from bad to worse and his opportunity to achieve his goal wasn’t looking good. Of course, I like Elena, too. They both learn a few things along the way.

Was there anything in Lighter Than Air that you did not enjoy writing about?

I didn’t like the villain, but he was necessary to the story, so I had to make him someone most people wouldn’t want to be around unless they had to.

Share your bio and links for social media and to buy:

Linda Hoover lives in west-central Ohio with her husband, daughter, grandson, and a cat who thinks he owns the house. Linda earned a degree in psychology at Anderson University where she learned the voices in her head were actually characters from stories waiting to be told.
By day, Linda works as a library assistant at a branch of the county’s public library system where two of her duties include choosing books for the young adult and Christian fiction areas. As a result, she has a very long “To Read” list. In her spare time, she writes the stories her voices tell her.

My Facebook author page is at

Friday, October 26, 2018

Miles From Where We Started

About the Book

Book Title: Miles from Where We Started
Author: Cynthia Ruchti
Genre: Christian Romance/Family life
Release date: October 16, 2018
These no-longer-newlyweds want out of this road trip—and their marriage. Too bad they can’t find the off ramp.
Weeks away from their one-year wedding anniversary, Mallory and Connor Duncan can’t even agree on how to end their marriage. But when a last-minute crisis lands them on a three-thousand-mile road trip together, Mallory wonders if their story may not be over after all.
The trip begins to unravel before the key is even in the ignition, and an at-risk, trouble-seeking missile of an eleven-year-old is unexpectedly launched into their travel plans. Close quarters get even tighter, and the couple believes this whole experience will spell disaster.
Their first year of marriage hasn’t been the arm-in-arm togetherness they expected. How can they find a new beginning when the road ends?
My thoughts: MILES FROM WHERE WE STARTED was a slow read that packed a powerful punch. Newlyweds Connor and Mallory are weeks away from their one-year anniversary--to be celebrated with a permanent separation. Divorce. Because Connor believes he made a mistake since he might be a carrier, 0r a victim of, a fatal disease. 

Then the worst case scenario happens. They have to take a trip. Together. In a teardrop camper (research this. Who knew.) With a smartmouth eleven-year-old boy in the foster system. And tour the backroads of America. 

Okay, teardrop camper aside, I would love to be  on this trip and see all those waterfalls. Maybe not to the magnificence of Niagara Falls, but still charming all on their own. And the people they met along the way.  (I did have issues with the way she portrayed southerners as speaking, but it added another touch of comedy to a heavy story.) 

I absolutely adored Slade, I laughed out loud when Judah threw his arms up and said "We found our people." And I loved, loved, loved, the character growth, development and the faith message. She did peg Millennials right. As the parent of three... all different, but all definitely Millennials I could relate. I could see some of my children. 

This is women's fiction, a family facing together time, and I recommend it to readers who adore women's fiction.  I would've liked better closure at the end, but readers are left to their imagination.  Where did they go? What will they do? What will become of Judah?

I received a copy free. All opinions are my own. 
Click here to purchase your copy!

About the Author

Cynthia Ruchti tells stories of hope through novels, nonfiction, devotionals, and speaking events. She serves as the professional relations liaison for American Christian Fiction Writers and is a frequent speaker at writers’ conferences across the country. She married her grade school sweetheart, and the two live in the heart of Wisconsin, not far from their three children and five grandchildren.

Guest Post from Cynthia

I have a confession to make. I heart millennials.
My other novels have had a few millennial characters. Some even played starring roles. But I knew there was more to the heart of millennials than I could gain from listening to the often unfair sighing or comedy routines about that generation. As a person, I wanted to know them better—what are they really like? What challenges do they face with which previous generations saddled them? What strengths to they offer our culture?
Until now, I hadn’t written a story about a millennial couple whose marriage was in crisis. Like, serious crisis. I-don’t-want-to-be-married-to-you-anymore. That kind of crisis.
As any good novelist knows, part of what we do to our characters is make the situation worse. So, millennial couple, approaching their one-year anniversary, ready to call it quits because “This marriage thing is really hard. Is it supposed to be so much work?” But what if…? What if they were forced to be together for three weeks…in a micro-camper…on America’s backroads…with an 11-year-old foster boy troublemaker…and both the husband’s AND the wife’s jobs depended on the trip’s success?
Plot idea in hand, I set off to write Miles from Where We Started, not entirely sure when I began the journey where they would end up or how they’d get there. It was an education for me in so many ways. The impact of the turning point of the story? In the words of my millennial friends, “That’s lit!”
Side note: I’m a big fan of a young teen musician at our church. The boy has mad skills as a keyboard artist. He approaches life as if it’s an endless game of Ninja Warrior. Why walk when you can vault into the room? Why walk up a flight of stairs when you can hop four at a time? He also sports a perpetual smile and is famous for his kindness, but his eyes give away that a little mischief may be hiding behind that smile. I asked Judah’s permission to use his name (and a little bit of his personality) as the foster child character in Miles from Where We Started. I can’t wait for him to read the part he inspired.
Can’t wait for you to read it, too.
Hemmed in Hope,

Blog Stops

The Power of WordsOctober 25
All-of-a-kind MomOctober 26
Lighthouse AcademyOctober 26
Quiet QuilterOctober 27
Christian BookaholicOctober 27
cherylbbookblogOctober 28
Simple Harvest ReadsOctober 28 (Guest Post from Mindy Houng)
RemembrancyOctober 28
Godly Book ReviewsOctober 29
Captive Dreams WindowOctober 29
By The BookOctober 29
Maureen’s MusingsOctober 30
Spoken from the Heart , October 30
SusanLovesBooksOctober 30
D’S QUILTS & BOOKSOctober 31
Mary HakeNovember 1
Book by BookNovember 1
amandainpa , November 1
Pause for TalesNovember 2
Just CommonlyNovember 2
Baker KellaNovember 3
Inklings and NotionsNovember 4
Bibliophile ReviewsNovember 4
Texas Book-aholicNovember 5
Carpe DiemNovember 6
A Diva’s HeartNovember 7
BigreadersiteNovember 7


To celebrate her tour, Cynthia is giving away a grand prize of the Adventure begins” large tote bag, “This way to adventure” travel notebook, “Home is Where We Park It” metal wall hanging, a teardrop camper birdhouse, PLUS a $50 gift Visa gift card…to start your adventure fund!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

(memes used by permission of Susan Snodgrass and Susan May Warren)