Saturday, October 27, 2018

Interview with Linda Hoover

Today we welcome Linda Hoover to my blog. Glad to have you stop by, Linda. Tell us about the book – a brief blurb:

Justin Ramsay wants to fulfill his grandmother’s death bed wish. Elena Bishop wants to raise enough money to save her home. Only one can accomplish their goal. Justin and Elena can’t deny their attraction to each other, but can there be a happy ending for either of them if they insist on having their own way, rather than follow God’s plan?

Are any experiences in Lighter Than Air based on personal experiences? Did you draw upon any stories or movies for inspiration for the novel?

I was in an airport on a layover when I came up with the balloon idea. I knew I wanted the story to be set in 1900, which would be too early for a plane to take them very far, so a balloon was perfect. The storyline is all my imagination. I didn’t intentionally use a book or movie to get inspiration. I sat down at the keyboard and words came pouring out.

If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in Lighter Than Air?

No, I think it’s a fun story. I’m satisfied with the outcome.

What was the hardest part of writing your book?

The hardest part was finding time to get in front of my computer. I work fulltime and have family responsibilities at home. I’m amazed by authors with small children who have several books out there.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I researched Brighton and the area I wanted my characters to live. And of course, the time period for clothes, hair styles, furniture and so on. I learned more than I could put in the book. I love to research. I can end up spending time I don’t have. 😊 Some is frustrating, though. How long does it take to get from New York to London?Google kept wanting to give me information about immigration.How long would it take a steamer to go from Ireland to England, or a train to travel from London to Brighton and anything I could find on a gas balloon. Those facts were a little trickier to work out.

Did you have to travel much for research for Lighter Than Air?

All my travel was virtual through Google or books. I would have loved to see the area first hand.

Who was your favorite character in Lighter Than Air?

I think my favorite would have to be Justin. He knew what he wanted and needed to do, but Elena wasn’t cooperating in any way. He was confused and frustrated, trying to figure her out. Things kept going from bad to worse and his opportunity to achieve his goal wasn’t looking good. Of course, I like Elena, too. They both learn a few things along the way.

Was there anything in Lighter Than Air that you did not enjoy writing about?

I didn’t like the villain, but he was necessary to the story, so I had to make him someone most people wouldn’t want to be around unless they had to.

Share your bio and links for social media and to buy:

Linda Hoover lives in west-central Ohio with her husband, daughter, grandson, and a cat who thinks he owns the house. Linda earned a degree in psychology at Anderson University where she learned the voices in her head were actually characters from stories waiting to be told.
By day, Linda works as a library assistant at a branch of the county’s public library system where two of her duties include choosing books for the young adult and Christian fiction areas. As a result, she has a very long “To Read” list. In her spare time, she writes the stories her voices tell her.

My Facebook author page is at


Kathleen Friesen said...

Great interview, Laura, and fascinating book, Linda! I loved reading Lighter Than Air and recommend it for anyone who enjoys a captivating romance with adventure.

Marcia James said...

I enjoyed reading your interview, as well as your two books! Best wishes, Marcia James ;-)

lollipops said...

It was good, and laugh out loud funny at times. :)

Marilyn R. said...

Nice interview with Linda Hoover. Lighter than Air sounds like a book I would enjoy reading.