Saturday, January 26, 2019

Emergency Case

Emergency Case


Dr. Kelly Irving knew her husband, attorney Jack Harbaugh, was acting strangely, but figured they’d get through it. When she backed out of her garage that morning, she thought her car hit a bump. Instead, its progress was stopped by the body of a man her husband recently represented. Not only that, the dead man had been shot by her husband’s gun. The police who investigated made it clear that Jack was a primary suspect.

Kelly couldn’t decide if Jack was a murderer or marked as the next victim. As things continued to escalate, they were forced to put their marital differences aside and concentrate on keeping Jack alive while discovering who was behind the whole thing. 

My thoughts: EMERGENCY CASE is Dr. Mabry's newest novella. Not a medical thriller like he became known for but it does have a doctor.  Knowing how suspense usually works I guessed who might be behind the crimes early on, but I was curious to see if I was right. I was - and I wasn't.  :)  You'll have to read the book to find out what I mean.
Dr, Mabry is one of my husband's favorite authors as he gets the medical stuff that goes right over my head but due to circumstances out of his control I got this book to review since my husband is working two jobs and has no time for pleasure reading.  Thankfully there is no medical jargon in there, so I was fine. 
If you like suspense, you will want to read Dr. Mabry's EMERGENCY CASE. There are some tension, edge of your seat moments.
I was given a copy free. All opinions are my own. 

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