Friday, August 9, 2019

Breathe Again: How to Live Well When Life Falls Apart by Niki Hardy

Breathe Again: How to Live Well When Life Falls Apart 

Paperback – ebook, audiobook, audio CD

August 6, 2019

No one gets to skip the tough stuff and when life threatens to drown us we're left gasping for air, merely surviving a life we never ordered. Niki Hardy has been there, screaming, "God, is this it? Where's the abundant life you promised? Are you even listening?"

Life might not be fair, but through loss, grief, and cancer, Niki discovered life doesn't have to be pain-free to be full. With sensitivity and without Christianese or stock answers she invites women to replace the lies they believe about themselves and God with sound biblical teaching and his unwavering promises. Through 7 practical steps, with hands-on questions, actions, and prayers, she equips readers to grasp the full life Jesus came to give them, right where they are.

No matter how broken a life might seem, the abundant life Jesus promised is available--now and always. Let Niki show you the way.

Look what you can get on the Bible App!!

My thoughts: "I am a thriver. I believe life doesn't have to be pain-free to be full."

"Thriving sounds like surviving but with life-giving benefits added in free of charge."

BREATHE AGAIN provides the truth we need when our world is rocked. When Ms. Hardy was diagnosed with cancer, her world shifted. I think we all know what that's like. Cancer. Divorce. Foreclosure. Job-loss. "I'm not good enough!" Ouch! But honestly now, we all believe it. God loves (fill in name) more than He loves me. I may be saved but instead of a mansion on a hilltop He'll give me a falling down shack on the back forty.

To make it personal, I felt and sometimes still do feel that way. I am a cancer survivor, like Ms Hardy. But it left me imperfect. Scarred. Wounded. I'm a trial to my loved ones. They are happier if I stay home and don't go out because I'm handicapped.....

To be honest BREATHE AGAIN arrived in my mailbox at a time I needed it. This is not a book to read and forget, this is a book to study with a Bible, a notebook, and tissues when it hits close to home. Alone or with a trusted friend.

When life hits, BREATHE AGAIN and thrive.


I was given a copy free. All opinions are my own.

1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

Breathe Again is going on my gift idea list for those who need some encouragement. Thank you for the beautiful and personal experience review, Laura. Blessings!