Sunday, February 13, 2022

Take A Nap! By Jenna V Hilton

My pitbull black Labrador, Skye, is getting old. I think back to when we first got her, almost 7 years ago. she was six months old, and a wild child. I was thirteen years old, and an emotional bookworm. I remember puppy Skye seeing me curled up on the couch reading and launching herself at me from across the room. That dog's really mellowed out, and seemingly in no time at all. Skye is a senior dog now. she rarely plays rough anymore. she prefers to chew on a stuffed animal. (Something that used to be a pet peeve of mine.) Sometimes I wonder why dogs don't live long, and then I remember: Dogs are born knowing what humans have to learn. That unconditional love, kindness and loyalty are essential to life. God made dogs man's best friend for a reason, and we'd do well to listen. When they're happy, they dance. When they're sad, they cry and ask for a hug. When they're upset, they verbalize it, often in obvious, but harmless ways. When they're tired, they take a nap. And always, they surround themselves with people they love. Dog's have a lot to say if we'd just listen.

Jenna V. Hilton is nineteen, and lives in Arkansas with her parents, two sisters, a brother, and dog. She is planning to attend college to become a veterinarian. TikTok handle: imperfectchildofGod19


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