Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ambushed by Grace

Author: Shelly Beach
Publisher: Discovery House
October 2008
ISBN: 978-1-57293-242-5
Genre: Inspirational/Christian Life

AMBUSHED BY GRACE is a book that all caregivers need to read. There are over twenty-two million in the U.S. caring for their loved ones. And most of them are probably feeling ill-prepared, with no training, few skills, and a tentative heart for the challenges faced daily.

Shelly Beach is an experienced caregiver who has learned that caregiving is messy and costly—physically, emotionally, and financially—plus it is the hardest work you’ll ever do. Yes, Shelly Beach shows us that with all its demands caregiving can also be a gift that changes your heart and transforms your life.

AMBUSHED BY GRACE offers practical advise, web sites, phone numbers, and wisdom for experts in the field of geriatrics and family counseling. Most importantly, this book also draws you into the Word and helps to sensitize you to the work of the Spirit of God in your life.

AMBUSHED BY GRACE is a book that I wish had been available when I walked the caregiving path eight years ago. I felt alone, inadequate, and frustrated, but yet, Shelly Beach was right—I would gladly go back and do it again.

If you are caring for a loved one or possibly might be in the near future, then AMBUSHED BY GRACE is a book that you should consider reading. There are also helpful forms included at the end of the book. Available now from your favorite bookstore, or $11.99. 204 pages.

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