Thursday, April 1, 2010

What Your Son Isn't Telling You

Authors: Michael Ross & Susie Shellenberger
Publisher: Bethany House
March 2010
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0749-5
Genre: Inspirational/parenting

WHAT YOUR SON ISN’T TELLING YOU is a guide to “Unlocking the Secret World of Teen Boys.” The book tells you what boys will be going through developmentally from the tweener years on up to their late teens, which is helpful, if you go into the strange and new world of raising sons with no experience with having male siblings (which is how I approached it.)

The book has chapters with helpful titles such as:

 Mysteries of the Guy Zone
 Teen Guy Battlegrounds
 Making Contact: Getting Through to Your Son
 Helping him Unmask His “True Self”
 What He Needs From Mom

And other valuable information.

I found most information in this book I had learned through trial and error (my sons are 20 and 18 respectively) but other things in here I didn’t know and would have been helpful. I wish I would have had access to this book when my boys stopped being cuddly little children and turned into tweeners. It would have been very helpful.

If you have young boys then WHAT YOUR SON ISN’T TELLING YOU is definitely a book to put into your library. It will help you as your sons approach their teens and as they go through the many different things they go through as teens. This book even touches on gambling, their sexual orientation, and if they reject your religion. Some poems are included at the end of the book, one of them by a famous historical person. $13.99. 190 pages.

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