Thursday, April 29, 2010

Homeschooling for the Rest of Us

Author: Sonya Haskins
Publisher: Bethany House
January 2010
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0739-6
Genre: Inspirational/home school

It’s time to break a myth: Homeschooling families aren’t perfect. (from back cover)

Are you tired of seeing the pictures of large homeschooling families, all dressed immaculately, and in matching clothes designed by their preteen daughter in her spare time? Good news! There are some families out there that are just normal people, we don’t have twelve children, and we may only have one or two. We don’t have a perfectly designed house which is cleaned daily; instead we have piles of books, craft supplies, and other miscellaneous items lying around.

HOMESCHOOLING FOR THE REST OF US is a practical guide that will help normal everyday people to begin homeschooling, or face some of the challenges that they are incurring in the day to day walk.

The author addresses topics such as socialization, finding a routine, addressing concerns from friends and family, nurturing a biblical worldview, chores, and much much more.

HOMESCHOOLING FOR THE REST OF US is the book that would have been helpful for me back in the beginning when I started homeschooling. I didn’t know anything about it and I quickly discovered that I was not that perfect family pictured on the cover of a magazine. I have real children who struggle with concentrating, who didn’t fit into the public school mold that I tried to force them into, and well, they weren’t perfect. I had to learn on my own that trips to the grocery store can count as school work. Field trips don’t have to be elaborately planned events, but can be a simple family trip to a local farm to watch them harvest maple syrup…or shear sheep.

If you are considering homeschooling or worried that your family isn’t matching up with another family you know, then HOMESCHOOLING FOR THE REST OF US is a book that will encourage you as well as guide you as you make decisions that will be right for your family. $13.99. 172 pages.

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