Monday, July 7, 2008

The Homeschooler's Book of Lists

Author: Sonya Haskins
Publisher: Bethany House
October 2007
ISBN: 978-0-7642-0443-2
Genre: Homeschool/educational

THE HOMESCHOOLER’S BOOK OF LISTS is much more than a reference book. It is filled with facts and information that will supplement any curriculum.

Organized by subject, the lists can be used however you and your child wishes. It will help you customize and enrich unit studies, encourage memorization work, answer questions immediately, and much more.

There are more than 250 lists included in THE HOMESCHOOLER’S BOOK OF LISTS including great people, important dates, presidential races, mathematical formulas, word origins, scripture to memorize and more. The author has also included checklists and ideas to aid lesson preparation.

THE HOMESCHOOLER’S BOOK OF LISTS also includes a CD which is a great addition to the book. You can print off any list from the CD in a manner of minutes. This is one book that the serious homeschooling parent will want on their bookshelf, no matter what curriculum they use, what approach they use to homeschool, or what learning style their child has. Highly recommended. $19.99. 556 pages.

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