Author: Jill Marie Landis
Publisher: Steeple Hill Books
July 2008
ISBN: 978-0-373-78624-4
Genre: Inspirational/historical
Eyes-of-the-Sky has been kidnapped by the Comanche, so long ago that she no longer has any memory of her parents, or even how to speak her native language. The only life she remembers is Comanche. When the Comanche is attacked by the White Man, she runs, and is terrified when her family is shot down around her…and she is taken into custody by the White Man.
Joe Ellenberg is horrified when his mother and he are approached about taking in a white woman rescued from the Comanche. After all, his father and sister were killed by the Comanche, and he didn’t think they could handle having a woman in his sister’s room who didn’t speak their language, know their ways, and would be a constant reminder of all they lost. But his mother took one look at the girl, renamed her Rebekah, and took her in.
But now Rebekah Eyes-of-the-Sky is confused. One look in the mirror, and she knows she’s not who she always believed. Who is she? And will she ever find out?
HOMECOMING is a moving story that is not easily forgotten. While it starts out rather violently, the rest of the story is calm and peaceful, letting us get to know the characters. Rebekah Eyes-of-the-Sky has been through a lot, and the reader instantly sympathizes with her. Joe is bitter, angry, and has a lot to work through, but as the book goes on he softens, and becomes likeable.
I enjoyed reading HOMECOMING and recommend it to historical readers. The faith message is expertly woven in, and readers will come away with a message. Discussion questions are included at the end of the book. $6.99. 320 pages.
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