Saturday, September 27, 2008

Linka's Diary

Edited by Marvin G. Slind
Sketch Editor Gracia Grindahl
February 2008
ISBN: 1-932688-28-5
Genre: Journal

Caroline Dorothea Margrethe Keyser (Linka) was born in Norway in 1829. Married to Hermann Preus in 1851, Hermann and Linka emigrated to America and settled in Wisconsin where she quickly became an important member of the Norwegian society. Hermann served as pastor in a newly emerging Norwegian Synod.

LINKA’S DIARY is a journal of Linka’s life which is divided up into four sections. The first section is the observations of an adolescent, merely comments on events going on around her. (Some are funny.) In the second section, you can see a major maturing in Linka’s entries as she comments about her engagement, marriage, and emigration to America.

The third section is rather sporadic as she gets busy with her family and it is supplemented with letters she receives from other pastors’ wives she knew as friends. The fourth section is mainly sketches (quite well done!) of events that happened around her.

If you are interested in history from 1854 to 1874, this is definitely the book to read. It will give one woman’s opinion of the world around her, and is quite interesting reading. It also has several photographs in there or Linka, her family, and friends. The book also includes a foreword, introduction, and a historical context, as well as endnotes. Invaluable information for historians and homeschoolers, as well as anyone who might find Linka or Hermann in the branches of their family tree. $30.00. 387 pages.

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