Monday, September 6, 2010

God Knows My Name

Author: Beth Redman
Publisher: David C. Cook
July 2010
ISBN: 978-0-7814-0365-8
Genre: Inspirational/Women’s issues

Do You Know How Much You Matter to God?

Beth Redman knows what extreme hurt is from her earthly father, but she has managed to rise above it to discover a Heavenly Father who cares so much about her that it is virtually impossible, in our human knowledge, to comprehend.

He understands us intimately, and proclaims our worth by naming us and calling our name. He hears our cries, and saves our tears in a bottle, and then reaches out to help us and fight for us. And even though he knows all the deep dark secrets of our past, he is still at work shaping our future. And he will never leave us or forsake us.

Beth Redman uses a lot of scripture references and her own true life experiences to help us explore the implications of being loved by God—one who knows our name. And she invites us to call on His name as well.

GOD KNOWS MY NAME is a timely book for me to read. Because sometimes it feels as though God has forgotten about me. It was a good reminder that God does love me, that he will never forget me, and will be with me through eternity.

If you are struggling with life, and trying to imagine that its possible that God loves you then GOD KNOWS MY NAME is a great book to pick up. The end of the book contains discussion questions for each chapter, plus a prayer. $12.99. 188 pages.

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