Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Jesus Calling: 365 Devotions for Kids

Title: JESUS CALLING: 365 Devotionals for Kids
Author: Sarah Young
Publisher: Tommy Nelson
October 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4033-1634-2
Genre: Inspirational/devotional/kids

JESUS CALLING: 365 Devotional for Kids is, just as it says, a devotional for kids. In an attractive hardcover which kind of looks antique, there are 365 one-page devotionals for parents to share with their children, or for slightly older children to read on their own.

The devotional starts out with verses from the Bible (from various versions or translations) and follow with a short devotional which reads as though God himself wrote the letter to your child. It follows up with a scripture selection for your child to look up and read on their own.

I like these devotionals by Sarah Young and highly recommend them, both her adult ones and this new books of devotionals for kids. But one of the members of my family doesn’t like these books, he calls them the books written by the woman who thinks she’s God. I don’t think Ms. Young had this intent, but rather that she wanted the devotionals to relate to a more personal level than some of the other devotionals that you could pick up.

If you are looking for a devotional for your favorite child, then JESUS CALLING: 365 Devotionals for Kids is a book to consider. It is well-written and interesting, and short enough to hold their attention, yet packs a powerful message. $14.99 hardcover. 382 pages.

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