Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Bridge of Peace

Author: Cindy Woodsmall
Publisher: Waterbrook
August 2010
ISBN: 978-1-4000-7397-9
Genre: Inspirational/Amish

Lena Kauffman is the school teacher in an Old Amish community. She has a huge birthmark on the side of her face, which she feels mars her beauty. This has been compounded by the fact that over the years, no one has ever wanted to court her. This year is difficult. There is a new family in the community with a teen that is difficult to teach. He keeps flinging insults at Lena, and she stands up to him, but soon finds herself the target of even more vicious attacks.

Grey Graber is struggling with his marriage. He wants to get help, but his wife wants their issues kept private. But Grey doesn’t know how to reach her. When they begin to make strides toward healing tragedy strikes the family. Will Grey find the strength to move on?

Grey & Lena have been life-long friends, but circumstances are crumbling their friendship. Will they be able to face their secrets and restore their friendship?

THE BRIDGE OF PEACE is book two in An Ada’s House series. I was hopelessly confused in the beginning of the book, as I didn’t remember reading book one at all. I had, but apparently it didn’t make a strong enough impression on me that I remembered it almost two years later. But once I got into Lena’s story, I was captured. I was horrified by Dwayne’s actions, seriously that boy needs help, and I don’t think I’d want my daughters to read this Amish book…it didn’t leave that feel-good feeling that a lot of Amish books leave.
However, I totally adored Jonathan, and Ephraim, and even Grey, though he had his issues as well. And Lena, Deborah, and Cara were strong characters. Realistic. I’m giving this book five stars with reservations, mainly due to Dwayne, and the confusion in the beginning of the book. $13.99. 342 pages.

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