Saturday, March 26, 2011

Nehemiah: Standing Firm in the Face of Opposition

Title: THE WIERSBE BIBLE STUDY SERIES: NEHEMIAH: Standing Firm in the Face of Opposition
Author: Warren Wiersbe
Publisher: David C. Cook
February 2011
ISBN: 978-0-7814-0455-6
Genre: Inspirational/Bible study

NEHEMIAH is the companion guide to Dr. Wiersbe’s commentary, Be Determined, published earlier by this same company. It is recommended the the reader read sections of Be Determined, as well as the Bible, while working through this devotional.

Designed as a study guide for a small group, there are plenty of questions for the participants to answer, and plenty of room to write the answers. This is an indepth Bible study that took me several days to work through each section, so unless a person has a lot of time to devote to Bible study, he should be prepared for this to take a good portion of a week, or maybe even the whole week, to work through one section.

If you are looking for a study guide that will take you deeper into the word than your average devotional, or if you are looking for a good book for your Sunday school class, or small group, to go through, then NEHEMIAH by Warren Weirsbe is definitely a book to consider. It is comprehensive, and will leave you with a much greater understanding of these portions of the scriptures. $8.99. 140 pages.

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