Sunday, March 16, 2014

Education Transformation

Education Transformation
Adult. Price $24.99
Beyond Words

Education Transformation is a hardcover book that shows how technology—both online and digital learning—have begun to change how our schools and educational system work. This is a guide for parents, teachers, administrators, and policy makers.

In Education Transformation Ron Packard discusses topics such as:

Ø      Why is online education inevitable?

Ø      How important is technology to education?

Ø      Who can benefit the most from online education?

Ø      Why do for-profit companies benefit the education system?

Ø      How to prepare students to compete in the ever “flatter” world market and workplace

Ø      How to complete it all within overstretched budgets in a fixed amount of time

Also included in Educational Transformation are all kinds of colorful charts and graphs, an epilogue that addresses what the next twenty years in education might hold, and extensive notes over each chapter for further study or information.

If you want to learn how including modern technology in our schools will help to make the United States once again at the top of the world’s educational system, then Education Transformation is a book you should consider. Recommended for parents, teachers, administrators, policy makers. 

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