Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Book spotlight: Shadows: One Choice a Future Makes

Shadows: One Choice a Future Makes

Secret societies, dangerous passions, and untold millions await Justin “Flip” Grey when he arrives at a banking conference for a weekend seminar. Little does he know he is being auditioned for inclusion with The Lair, a group of businessmen who influence more than the economy. And they are going to test Justin. Enter Dahlia, the world’s most dangerous temptress, who has been assigned to seduce Justin. He must choose his future: his wife or his passions?

Travis W. Inman then allows Justin to make both decisions, and creates duel realities. In the first, Justin remains faithful. He and his family begin to change the world in ways they never dreamt possible.

In reality two, Justin become “Flip”, and choses the seductress. The consequences of his choice begin to spiral, descending into chaos. Evil begins to manifest in his life, and the disaster it brings is irreversible.

One choice a future makes.

Bio: Travis W. Inman grew up in the ranch country of West Texas and worked as a cowboy for his first 20 years. Travis graduated from seminary in Dallas, Texas, and later served a year in the mission field in Mexico and South America. He returned home and married Sarah, his wife and sweetheart of more than 20 years. They have two teenagers whom they home school.

1 comment:

Travis said...

Thanks so much for highlighting me today! My publisher told me they wanted to do a free ebook download on Amazon this month. I'll advise when that occurs. Thanks again!