Sunday, January 24, 2016

Book Spotlight: Streams of Mercy

Streams of Mercy 

Jenna's Creek Series #1 


June 25, 2004

  • Paperback: 302 pages
  • Publisher: Tsaba House 
  • ISBN-13: 978-0972548656

On the day of her father?'s funeral, seventeen-year old Jamie Steele discovers that her dad was once the prime suspect in the disappearance of a local girl. All too familiar with his hard fisted lifestyle and violent temper, Jamie has to find out for herself if he was capable of the crime everyone in their small town thinks he committed. The more she discovers about the disappearance of Sally Blake, the more convinced she becomes that her dad was involved. What will she do if he?'s proven guilty? Can she find the mercy in her heart to forget the past and mourn the father she lost? 

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