Saturday, March 26, 2016

Finding God in the Ruins

Finding God in the Ruins 

by Matt Bays    

David C Cook 

In the tradition of Donald Miller comes the fresh voice of Matt Bays, offering hope to those who have experienced deep loss or pain as well as those who crave more than trite answers about God and suffering.

Our world is in massive turmoil. The suffering are desperate for authentic hope and real redemption. Yet the church often responds with tired clichés that shrink our understanding of God rather than enlarging it.

Matt Bays understands. This book was birthed from his own deep struggles in a dysfunctional home. With pastoral wisdom, personal transparency, and unforgettable stories, he shows that true redemption is far more powerful than the temporary fixes of sanitized Christianity.

Best of all, he leaves readers with a much bigger God than the one they thought they lost in their pain.

Read a excerpt from Finding God in the Ruins on New York Times bestselling author Ann Voskamp's website:

What authors, artists, pastors are saying about this book:
Powerful, deeply human, unforgettable
Chock-full of wisdom, insight
Real, refreshing
Raw transparency
A unique gift
Poetic, accessible
Honest, hopeful

 My thoughts: 

When the reality of your pain doesn’t line up with what you’ve been taught in church, then what? 

While there are some things in this book with which I might take issue (misinterpretation of scripture, for instance), that doesn’t keep me from experiencing awe and wonder that this book was ever written in the first place.

You see, many people – most people, if you really think about it – who have experienced the depths of depravity, depression, and disillusionment that author Matt Bays shares between the covers of this book . . . they just don’t make it back.

Sin, and man’s inhumanity to man, and just walking about in a broken world has not merely hollowed them out . . . it has gutted them, and left them writhing in pain and misery.  And that becomes their life.

By God’s grace . . . by God’s redemption of every aspect of Matt Bay’s life . . . Matt has not only “survived.”  He has taken the next step.  He has chosen to live, not to merely exist.  He has chosen to risk opening himself up to more pain, if it should happen along.  He has chosen to love someone who might wind up abandoning or abusing him again.  He has chosen to reach out to others, when most would be found curled in the fetal position.

The story is not pretty.  It’s not a nice and neat parable, with a homiletical application to finish it off.  But it’s a story that needs to be told, and a story that needs to be heard.

Because God is still in the redemption business.  And business is good.  Business is booming.

Imagine a life where gratitude overpowers anger, hope overcomes despair, and hunger for God replaces indifference to him. 

That’s what redemption looks like.

5 stars for a life-changing glimpse of The God Who Is There

Purchase a copy:


 Meet the Author

Matt Bays is a writer, speaker, and musician with a passion to call people out of their hiding places; calling forth others' stories is the hallmark of his spiritual vocation and purpose. In ministry for twenty years, Bays was most recently the worship pastor for Northview Church in Carmel, IN, recently noted as the second fastest growing church in America with more than 8,000 attending each weekend.

Bays is also a singer-songwriter, as is his wife, Heather, herself a sought-after studio vocalist in Indianapolis. Married for twenty years, the couple have two teenage daughters, Chloe Rose and Evalee Mae.

 Blog Tour Schedule

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for this review...I sincerely appreciate it. I'm glad you're recommending it to those hurting people. I have strong hope that they will be delivered and find God in the ruins. Always.