Thursday, March 3, 2016

The Looney Experiment

The Looney Experiment 


Hardcover, ebook, paperback

August 4, 2015

by Luke Reynolds

  • Age Range: 11 - 14 years
  • Grade Level: 6 - 9
  • Series: Blink
  • Hardcover: 208 pages
  • Publisher: Blink 
  • ISBN-13: 978-0310746423

Atticus Hobart couldn’t feel lower. He’s in love with a girl who doesn’t know he exists, he is the class bully’s personal punching bag, and to top it all off, his dad has just left the family. Into this drama steps Mr. Looney, a 77-year-old substitute English teacher with uncanny insight and a most unconventional approach to teaching. But Atticus soon discovers there’s more to Mr. Looney’s methods than he’d first thought. And as Atticus begins to unlock the truths within his own name, he finds that his hyper-imagination can help him forge his own voice, and maybe—just maybe—discover that the power to face his problems was inside him all along.

My thoughts (by Jenna):  THE LOONEY EXPERIMENT might have been a good book, but there is too many soft-swear words for my liking. Atticus is also very rude and the book is some sort of journal for him, but he is offensive in the wording he uses. The story is written in first person, which I usually don't mind, but it was also somewhat confusing at times too.  He has conversations with his 'gray tights' and talks about going to Hell to visit his friend's uncle then going to Heaven to talk to God then back home in time for dinner, if God doesn't talk too much, so it's rather irreverent.  There is also a lot of bullying in it, so maybe only older kids should read it. And I didn't see anything Christian in it at all.  If soft swearing and rudeness doesn't bother you, then you might enjoy THE LOONEY EXPERIMENT.  I was greatly disappointed and offended by it and give it 2 stars. 

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