Saturday, December 3, 2016

Guest Post by Teresa Ives Lilly -- Christmas in South Texas

Christmas in South Texas is not about snow….we don’t have snow.  In fact, if it rains cold ice, the whole town goes outside to celebrate in the “Snow”.  And please, DO NOT DRIVE if it rains ice or even tiny flakes of snow, because no one knows how to drive in that type of weather.
But don’t worry, we still have Christmas. We put up lights, we put up trees, we have tree farms, we bake cookies and every little town has it’s own special way of celebrating the season.
Bandera Texas is known as the cowboy Captial of Texas…. This is soooo funny, because there are actually more motorcycle riders who gather in town then cowboys.  But there are special activities which are touched on in my Novella Love Found in Bandera, Texas.
No matter where you celebrate Christmas, just remember to enjoy every moment of family time together….
And Hey….read a book by Teresa Ives Lilly….


Love Found in Bandera, Texas

When Dale returns to Bandera, Texas for Christmas
All he expects is to spend time with his beloved Dog Buck
However, running into Shanna, his high school sweetheart reminds him of the time he has wasted and all he lost by running away on Christmas Eve nine years earlier.
When he discovers that something awful happened to Shanna on the night that he left, Dale is determined to make it up to her, but first He must be able to forgive the way that God has forgiven him.



Teresa Ives Lilly writes Christian novellas and lives in Texas.  She loves to hear from her readers at   see her other books at



1 comment:

Marilyn R. said...

I've always enjoyed Christmas in Illinois with a majority of them with snow on the ground. I couldn't imagine a warm Christmas in Texas. LOL
God bless.