Monday, December 12, 2016


ISBN 978-0-718-09079-1
Religion / Christian Life / Bible
Thomas Nelson
2005 pages
$49.99 U.S., hardback

This Bible was provided to me free of charge for my honest review.

When I first opened the Bible, my initial impression was, “Wow.  This is beautiful.”  The cream-colored paper, and actual lined margins on the outside borders of the text just screamed, “Write it down!  Whatever you are thinking, whatever is in your heart – write it down!”  The suggestion that this would become a treasured keepsake, handed down through the generations with the cherished thoughts and inspirations (and art work, if so desired) was very moving.  I could easily see this happening.

Then I asked my pastor husband for his opinion.  And he provided some food for thought.  Keeping in mind that this is a journaling Bible, and that the extra wide margins and special paper have probably dramatically increased the cost of publication, there were still some “basics” that he looks for in a Bible.  For instance:  a concordance (doesn’t have to be exhaustive, but a basic one for looking up similar passages would be nice).  A set of maps, for really “seeing” where the story is taking place.  For those who aren’t familiar with journaling, an introduction to the Bible, and the art an science of journaling would be nice.  Again, nothing exhaustive.

He appreciated the elastic band that keeps this rather hefty Bible closed when not in use, and the ribbon marker to help keep one’s place.  And he was really impressed with the support that Thomas Nelson provides at their website, including free resources, a place to register the Bible (this Bible is guaranteed for life!), and tips for taking care of your new Bible.

4 stars for a Bible that provides scope for the imagination!

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