Saturday, April 8, 2017

Bookspotlight: Moonstone Secrets - Seattle Trilogy #2

New release: Moonstone Secrets - Seattle Trilogy, Book 2
Expected release date April 25. Available soon for preordering! Subscribe to my newsletter, and you’ll be the first to know when you can pre-order. Subscribe here:
About Moonstone Secrets: As the Christmas season sparkles around her, DeeDee McCreary eagerly anticipates visiting magical Victoria, BC, with her boyfriend, Nick, and meeting his family. But the trip proves disastrous. First, Nick finds his bank account cleaned out. Then he disappears. Frantic, she determines to uncover what happened. When she discovers something far worse than she anticipated, she questions everything she believes to be true about him.
With the man she loves in jail for an unspeakable crime, DeeDee knows the truth lies somewhere in Nick and his ex-wife’s past. But if she pursues their secrets, will she put herself in danger, too?
What are readers saying about Moonstone Secrets?
  • “I couldn’t put it down. The vivid descriptions and the setting pulled me into the story.” – reader Joy
  • “The sisterly bond was wonderful to see, how they stuck by each other. It was good to meet up with DeeDee and Livy again.” – reader Julia

Author Dawn V. Cahill pens “Stories of Victorious Faith for the 21st Century,” nearly always with a crossword puzzle, sudoku, or dark chocolate nearby. “The characters in my stories face situations that would have been unthinkable even 20 years ago. We live in a vastly different world than our parents did, and that’s the world I write about.”
Ms. Cahill also blogs about puppies, substance abuse, and single parenting…sometimes all in the same day. She’s going to finish that novel she started at age 11 called Mitch and the Martians…someday. She has written several newspaper articles, three Christian contemporary novels, and more limericks than she can count. Email her at, or find her on Facebook. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW).


Marilyn R. said...

Thank you for sharing about book two in Dawn Cahill series Moonstone Secrets Seattle Trilogy. Sounds like an enthralling story.

Angela K Couch said...

Sounds like a good read! :)