Monday, April 17, 2017

Interview with Donna Schlachter and #giveaway!!!

Today we welcome  Donna Schlachter back to my blog. Donna is graciously offering one commenter a copy of her new book.  USA only.  Include contact information. 

Donna, welcome. Tell us about the book: I love the cover!

This is a 9-in-1 novella collection from Barbour Books centered on the Pony Express, which ran from April 1860 through November 1861. The Pony Express already seems to be a romantic snippet of Americana, and so it seemed to make sense to write a collection of historical romance set on the trail. My story, Echoes of the Heart, features a mail order bride responding under an assumed name, a crippled station master who thinks no woman will want him, and their search for a future—together or separately.

Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?

I discovered since I started writing seriously that I love history. I hated it as a subject in school, where I’m from, where it seemed history meant memorizing dates of reigns of Monarchs. I met up with Mary Davis at an ACFW conference (here’s a great reason to go to conferences) and asked her what she was working on. She said she and three other authors were putting together a proposal on the Pony Express. I said if there was an opening, I’d love to join. A month later, she emailed and said one of the ladies had to drop out and now there was an opening. In the meantime, I read everything I could about the Pony Express, visited a couple of stations within a day’s drive of where I live, so I was ready. I wrote about a subject I knew nothing about at the beginning, but I know a lot now!

What does your writing process look like?

Before I start to write, I pray: Lord, thank You for letting me be the first person to see and hear this story. Thank You for trusting me to transcribe this story for you. Keep my fingers nimble and my ears clear to hear You. Amen.

Then I go to my synopsis, which keeps me on track but still leaves me plenty of room for creativity. I read back over the last scene I wrote, then I write until I run out of words or time, whichever comes first.

I love your prayer, Donna.  I do the same. If you could cast your characters in the Hollywood adaptation of your book, who would play your characters?

Oh, I am so behind the times when it comes to today’s actors. I would choose a young Tom Selleck for my hero, a young Siguorney Weaver for my heroine, a young Robert Duvall for my Pinkerton agent, and Robert Urich for my sleazy foreman.

Who was your favorite character in Echoes of the Heart?

I really liked the Pinkerton agent, and I think he could carry his own story as he travels the trail looking for the bad guys—and gals.

What are you working on now? What is your next project?

I am working on two more novellas for Barbour that I’m under contract for. And my next books will be finishing a historical romance about class separation in America in 1877, and writing and indie publishing the next in my cozy mystery series, published under my pen name of Leeann Betts.

Share your bio:

Donna lives in Denver with husband Patrick, her first-line editor and biggest fan. She writes historical suspense under her own name, and contemporary suspense under her alter ego of Leeann Betts. She is a hybrid publisher who has published a number of books under her pen name and  under her own name. Her current release, Echoes of the Heart, a 9-in-1 novella collection titled "Pony Express Romance Collection" released April 1. Donna is also a ghostwriter and editor of fiction and non-fiction, and judges in a number of writing contests. She will be teaching an online course for American Christian Fiction Writers in June 2017, “Don’t let your subplots sink your story”. Donna loves history and research, and travels extensively for both.

Social media and buying links
Echoes of the Heart:


Marilyn R. said...

Nice interview with Donna Schlachter to learn about her and her writing under both names. The Pony Express Novella Collections sounds like a gem to read with the setting during the Pony Express era. I always enjoy historical read and have read very few books with the Pony Express mentioned. Thank you for the giveaway, Donn. Someone will be a blessed winner. marilynridgway [at] gmail [[dot[com

Unknown said...

being born in the late 50's, i have always loved western movies and books, so this set sounds very intriguing to me! Thank you for the opportunity to win,

Lucy Reynolds said...

This collection sounds so good. The Barbour Collection books are so pretty. Thank you for the nice review and for the chance. Blessings!

Jean D said...

Love to read the pony Express era books thanks for the great review and info really hope to win this ty!

HeidiDruKortman said...

I was so sure I had commented here already. I've always liked stories with horses.

lollipops said...

congratulations Heidi

Sonja said...

I love Westerns and I totally love these wonderful collections that authors are writing together. I know I would enjoy these! sonja dot nishimoto at gmail dot com

Teri DiVincenzo said...

What a fun interview! I am pre-reading this collection for Net Galley & love it so far! Trdivincenzo ((at) gmail (dot) com

Brenda said...

I don't know if this is already over but I would love to have a copy of this book.