Thursday, March 7, 2019

What Matters Most

What Matters Most

(Texas Gold #4)

My thoughts: I am starting to clear out my backlog of books as I can, in hopes of cleaning up around here, and this one sounded interesting. WHAT MATTERS MOST is a contemporary political romance set in Austin Texas between a young woman forced to drop out of college and work odd jobs and a man running to be governor. 

Leta's mom has dementia which was really heart rending and I felt for her and all her hard knocks, some of which she brought on herself.  Like refusing to open bills -- until she has to, that is just really immature.  And I get that she wants to keep her mom in a high end facility, but at current rates, wow. 

Nathan and Leta like each other, but to me there were no sparks and it seemed forced at times. He was mentally cheating on his society girlfriend, and well.  

There was little to no faith message.  

I was provided an advance reader copy (yeah, that's how behind I am.)  All opinions are my own. 

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